
  • LOL dont waste your money ! Marry me :D :D 

  • Hiya Anitha,

    Just to let you know, the site is a scam. It's just a ebook put together by this person, some of the information he mention you can get  from Don't waste your money.

  • Dont bother it is a scam
  • It's just an ebook with pretty much all the same info you would find here. I think it was a waste of money. I was going to try for the refund but I doubt I will get it.
    • oh my god,,,,,,,i cant believe,,,pl claim for refund !!!!!!

  • They are good for beng aveleble on search engine,no one known vities confurm it helps..I guss it is like any other scam products..but  good on advert...probably the same company like vitiligo cure (oil) changing out.


  • I've been looking at it too. It came out of nowhere, and there are no reviews on it.  I would wait on purchasing this!  It's 39 for an ebook and that seems extreme. 

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