My ULTA experience

Hello all,

I made a visit to ULTA beauty today at the slight encouragement of my boyfriend. I have been wearing a concealer from Mary Kay to cover the spots on my face. I prob have used it for years. But when my bf made a very suttle suggestion (he showed me a sales ad for make up @ ULTA). He didnt say nothing and I didnt say much but it got me thinking. Hmm what is he trying to say without saying it? I started to look at my make up and I noticed that it would get very oily my skin would look greasy and in certain light it would be a reddish tone on my face. But I kindof new all this but didnt care, I was ok with a reddish face as long as my vit was covered. Anyhow I tried to make changes, I bought facial cleanser for oily skin, I cleaned my make up brushes more frequently, bought new brushes other mineral powders, etc. And nothing was working. My makeup still looked oily in sunlight and any other light. So today I decided to go to ULTA and I am SO GLAD I DID!! I didnt buy what my bf showed me but I did buy IMAN liquid make up. The artist at the store did a match and I knew it would because under all those bright lights the makeup blended well. I could not wait to get home and try it out. I put it on and I was overjoyed with excitement. My face looked so natural and the make up was not oily and it does not come off easily as the MK product. I am not knocking MK but it no longer works for me. The make up look so good I almost forgot I had vit on my face. And it was not that expensive ($13.00)only $3.00 more than the MK concealer. I highly recommend this product and I believe it is geared towards women of color. I am glad that my bf cared enough to bring it to my attention and I was brave enough to go to ULTA. I do want to add that the MK has mineral oil in it IMAN does not have any harmful oils and the MK did not really match my tone.

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  • Ulta is the place to go for good service and great coverage!
    • Hey......  I guss Tecrolimus is other name for Protopic..It  helps on face for some ppl....Makeup is the best way to cover vitiligo til a cure comes, I have tried all makeups what I found best is combination of Microskin and  "Cover Tone by fasion fair " . Microskin is expencive I use it as base after it dryes blend on the top by cover tone one kan see that I have viilgo...It looks 100% my color for the whole day it start to fade if I sweet alot and rub it ..If Im careful not rubbing it I can even go to Gym doesn`t fade away...Until we found better treatment  we have to keep tring all mkeup til we find one matches best.

      • you have done so well covering it. I get so lazy with it...and when I get lazy, its noticeable and I hate happy this protopic has worked for me...have you found anything apart from makeup etc to help you?

        • No I have not. I have done other treatments and I just use the make up for my face. I do not cover up anywhere else

        • The only treatment help me in some degree is Cell transplant and Deadsea.


      • Thanks. Can you order Microskin online? I know they want you to do a consultation and I believe they are in NY.

        • No you cant order online ..they have to scan ur skin in order to produce ur color..get to type of color one for summur and winter...some complain if you have big patch it is not easy to apply as the there reklame...They advert it waterproof but in reality ìf you have oily skin  and you fade away like other makeups. D

          • Thanks for the info, this cant work for me, not planning to be in NY soon :) and it sounds expensive

  • ive used microskin here in Australia...and wouldn't really recommend it.

    they did a good colour match for the face...but hands/body most likely need a different colour(which is more money) 

    it also looks quite cakey once applied.  depends how much you need to cover/use. application is a bit more time consuming than normal makeup..and the price is expensive.

    if makeup works id stick to that...the only thing about microskin is it doesn't sweat off once its on...its on. 

    my dermatologist has put me on to a medication called Tacrolimus. ive been using it for 8 weeks and can already see my colour returning on my face...ive had vitiligo since was a teenager, and am now 34, and this is the first time ive seen colour return...ive only tried this on my face...but will see my doctor in Aug to see what I can do about the rest of my body..just so happy my face is getting better!!

    • hi..

      how does tacrolimus works?is it a med. taken by mouth or ointment..this is the first am hearing someone has success in repigmentation ..thanks for sharing..goodluck to you.

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