So for the first time in my life I met someone else with Vitiligo today!!!!  I was in the nail salon having a pedicure and the lady doing my nails asked me what the spots on my ankles were called.  I told her it was called Vitiligo and the woman sitting next to me tapped me on the sleeve and said "I have that too." I was SHOCKED!  She was about 50 years old with pretty fair skin.  I immediately looked down at her legs (they were uncovered from the knee down for the pedicure) and I saw no signs of spots.  She told me that she has spots under her arms, on her elbows and hips.  And she said when she saw a dermatologist 10 years ago for the Vitiligo he put her under the black light and there were spots all over her body!  I think the fact that she was so fair skinned, the spots were blended really well.  I have a tan right now so the spots are much more noticeable.  

We talked for about 20 minutes at the salon, she was so nice!  I have to say, it felt so good to meet someone else with this problem.  I mean, after 25 years with this I can't believe it took this long!  She also told me that she knew a bunch of people with Vitiligo and most of them just brush it off now that they are older.  We talked about how many other serious skin problems exist, like skin cancer, and she is grateful that this is the worst issue she has to deal with.  

It has really given me a fresh perspective on this.  The Vitiligo is not life threatening and not disfiguring so I really need to be grateful for that.  And I think there are a LOT more people out there with it than I previously thought.  Many are luckier with where the spots are and of course, if they are fair skinned it blends much better.  All in all, I feel great today knowing that I am not alone in my community, there are kind people out there who want to connect.  I hope everyone here can find some solace in that.  :)

Oh and PS, the lady who was doing my nails (she is Vietnamese) told me that the white spots meant I would have a LONG LIFE!!!  That is what they believe in their culture...that's quite a plus!!!!

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  • Wow that is so exciting! ! ! Who better to tell than your vitiligofriends! This is cause for celebration. I am seriously so thrilled for you. Thank you for sharing. This makes me want to find someone with vitiligo right now! Well, I guess I found YOU. "Hey, we have the same thing! I have vitiligo too! You can see it on my face and hands, but really it's all over. It's soooo great to meet you! Let me know if you need anything. This thing can be such a roller coaster." :D
  • What a fantastic story! Thank you for sharing. It put a smile on my face. :)

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