
I have a question, if I were to develop melanoma on a white patch would I know it?  On the top of my foot I have a giant white patch that won't repigment although I  have tried off and on for many years (Puva, protopic, UVB, sun) I have a small bump that has developed, I've had it over a year and never really thought much about it until last week.  Last week my husband was diagnosed with melanoma, (he will be fine) it was detected because it had all the usual characteristics (uneven border, dark color).  So it got me thinking if my "bump" were melanoma would I know it?"  It certainly has been over exposed to sun treatments.

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  • I recently got a scan done to check all moles just to be safe, and i was all fine. I have some on my vit patches, and they are a lot lighter than others (which is usually cause for concern if there is colour change), so i guess the thing is that they are there but not as noticeable. Get your self checked just to give yourself some piece of mind :) 

  • always get any suspicious lump/bump checked out by your primary physician. never go by the advice of someone who hasnt seen/touched/examined it.

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