
  • Hi Cynthia, 

    I purchased Melagenina plus from cuba some years back about 10, i was putting it on for a few months but noticed no change on my face....but one day i noticed freckles on my hand, a small area re pigmented. I now realise that i was supposed to have gone in the sun "which i didn't". i do alot of driving and my right hand is usually on the top of the steering wheel, where the sun comes thru the my theory is; this is why my right hand re pigmented a little.

    i recently tried it again, purchased a bottle from ebay.....but there was no re pigmentation.

    but hey im still alive :)


  • Hi Cynthia,
    I heard about Melagenina, too, and as with all supposed cures, I try to keep an open mind but always remain very skeptical. Here is an official medical perspective on it:

    Keep in mind, some things work for some people, and some not. This stuff is very expensive, and "personally," I have not read or heard of anyone  who has direct positive experience with it. As with al treatments, we have to be cautious; there are some unscrupulous people who sell bogus items and insist it  has to be used over a long period of time, thereby draining our wallets and often not helping at all.

    We must always be careful!

    Anyone else here know anything about the effectiveness of Melagenina?

    • I'm not looking to buy or use, I was just inquiring. I know a few people who've had great success with it. I'm a nurse also so I'm aware of the bogus drugs on the market. Thanks for your reply

      • This poroduct has been on market for a long time ,last time there were discusion about this and some ppl will inform the result but no one inform yet ...I hope this time we will share  there exprience .One ting for shure it doesn`t work for every one..Still it is interesting to hear from every one who tried it. This is the only treatment i haven`t try.


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