Medications not working

I found out that I have vitiligo about 3 months ago. I have since then been on protopic and one other cream. I have found that either medication are working, in fact I think they are making it worse. As of right now I just have the vitiligo right in the middle of my forehead, it hasn't spread but I think it's standing out more & more. My eyebrow at first was only partially white and now almost the whole brow is white. Any suggestions? I do go back to the dermo I think next week,  I am also considering switching doctors.

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  • I was told by my derm to wear protopic, and I used it for about 6 years. About three years into that, I was also prescribed with Elidel cream. I would put that on in the day, and Protopic before going to bed. I didn't notice any results until I started the UVB Narrowband treatment. The combination of the creams and the light treatment I think is what helped with my Vitiligo (I had patches all over my face). I was also told to go out in the Sun, and that helped as well. But NOT right after the cream has been put on, because then the skin will burn.

    I hope this is of some help to you!


    • Good information here, thanks for sharing.  Nadika, thanks for the kind words; the camera on my computer is not good enough to show the spots but trust me, they're there.  

      I started protopic today so we'll see how that goes.  They did not write me a prescrption for Elidel although I wish she had.  Nor did she write me a prescription for UVB-NB...  I'm thinking I may try to set up an appt before my October appointment.  

      • My mom has used elidel in the past for exema (sp) and it has caused white spots on her skin so I don't see how it can help vitiligo??
    • Thanks to everyone for your comments. Im going to see what the doctor had to say on Tuesday, I know how I feel (treatment not working). I guess what really matters is that it doesn't bother me, I can't see it so i think no one else can.
      • I've experienced burning using protopic especially being under certain lights or being out in the sun. Ive been out in restaurants and had to wipe it off because the lights have made my forehead burn really bad.
        • hi kelly, do you use protopic under your makeup? i don't know, but i was just wondering if i should or not. today, i felt the burning sensation worse, and i thought maybe was because of the makeup etc. 

          • I don't normally where makeup unless I go out at night and when I do I just don't wear the protopic. Ive been wanting to wear makeup more but I wear the protopic pretty much all over my forehead and am not sure what kind of makeup to use,.
            • You may want to try and use a weaker strength Protopic. I experience some burning as well, but I use a lighter strength, and I only put it on in the evening and before bed, so I don't have to deal with the "greasyness" of the cream during the day. 

  • I plan on beginning protopic soon and it sounds like it can take a long time before you see any results, per Nadika's comments above.  I just ordered Gingko Biloba in addition to a B complex, multi vitamin, and folic acid.  I'm also hoping my doctor will write me a prescrption to use the UVB-NB light from home.  I know it's expensive but money is no object when it comes to my face; since I'm in sales, my face is a big part of how I make money.  I've attached a picture of my face and you can see the white spots on my cheeks.  It seems like they are growing by the minute!  


    • just like to know, do any of you have experienced an occasional burning sensation when using protopic in your face?


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