Low stomach acid

I don'k know to much about this stuff but it might be helpful to others:


'Low stomach acidity caused by H-pylori causes incomplete digestion of food with resultant absorption of large undigested macromolecules into blood. The blood then produces a widespread antibody response may destroy healthy cells causing such as vitamin B's and minerals such as zinc and copper.

The book makes a reference to a Southern Medical Journal 38 (4):235-240, April of 1945 which states 90% of vitiligo patients had little or no stomach acid, 100% of lupus Erythermatosis patients had little or no stomach acid, 89% of Psoriasis patients had little or no stomach acid, 85% of UrticaraHive ets...

The  book sugesstion on how to kill H-pylori is to acidify the stomach by taking sufficiant (large) dosage of Betaine Hydrochloride capsules according to the degree of tolerance for an exrended period of time until the stomach is re-trained to produce sufficiently acidity. the blood maybe conditioned to produce antibodies for several year even though the h-pylori are killed and the acidity is back to normal level. patient may not see improvment until the blood antobody response reverses itself and stops producing antibodies.'

Ref: http://ibstreatmentcenter.blogspot.com/2009/03/vitiligo-and-food-allergies.html

This website has more usefull info on vitiligo


There was a study in the early 1940's where a doctor firmly believed that low stomach acid was the cause of vitligo. He himself, hsad vitiligo and was able to cure himself of it. He recommended that anyone with vitiligo take 1 tspn of cider vinegar per day which will increase your stomach acid levels.

Ref: http://vitiligocover.com/hypochlorhydia-vitiligo-connection/








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  • Missed a portion of the 1st paragraph: 'Low stomach acidity caused by H-pylori causes incomplete digestion of food with resultant absorption of large undigested macromolecules into blood.The blood then produces a widespread antibody response the widespread antibody response may destroy heathy cells causing autoimmune diseases such as vitiligo. The malabsortion (ability to intake nutrient) of food also causes deficiency of vitamins suchas vitamin B's and minerals such as zinc and copper.


    Another thing dead sea salt can pigment ppl (as repoerted from some studies) cause it has a lot of nutrient factor (one can google and read it) but in my opinion this is doing the same thing as mentioned above the body doenst make enough vitamins and others stuff internally therefore dead sea does the trick by providing these nutrient externally.





  • I think there may be some truth to this. I have a good friend that is almost completely depigmented AND has been diagnosed the the Pilori bacteria.


  • You might want to look into this thread:  http://www.vitiligofriends.org/forum/topics/690521:Topic:1741?xg_so....  Some way down the page Valerie posts a document with her experiences, which I think you'll find valuable.

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