Light Purple Color Cast on Spots...

I'm curious if any of you notice at times a purple'ish color cast to your vitiligo spots?  I really noticed it today around my daughter's eyes and was wondering if something was changing with her Vitiligo or if it's just the lighting sometimes or what.  It's overcast today and gray so maybe that's just it?  Just wondering if I should be concerned, thanks!

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  • Maybe it's actually pink and just looks kind of purple? Pink can mean that it is repigmenting however it can also mean that it has been sunburned. Are you using anything on her spots?

    • I just started using Wanakee Hill's lotion and oil...previously we had been using Protopic on her face.  Today it's looking whiter again, perhaps it's just the lighting or something because today it's looking white again.  Thanks for the reply!

      • When did you start using her lotion and oil?  We tried that on our daughter for some time and I think it helped some repigment on her neck and a few freckles on her feet.  Wanakee is a wonderful lady, full of knowledge.  Have you see any results using it? We no longer use it.  Her products are pricey and I just wasn't sure if it was helping or not. 

        • I think we're on week three now and we haven't seen anything different yet.  :(  I know it's still early though and we're in Northern Wisconsin where the sun isn't making itself known quite yet and I do think that's part of it.  We eat a primarily vegetarian diet and she's taking probiotic's, a complete multi-vitamin, papaya tablets and a liver cleansing tonic.  Are you using Protopic?  Have you had any luck with that?  

          • We haven't tried Protopic.  We want to do everything as natural as we can.  My daughter i has had vit for 3 1/2 years.  She is on a gluten/dairy free diet.  I give her a good multi vitamin, probiotic, fish oil, immuzyme, oxicell, vit B12, and I'm going to order her a vit D3 and folic acid.  She is also on a homeopathic medicine from Dr. Shah's clinic in India. We eat all organic.  Do you find it hard to be on a vegetarian diet?  Do you think that it has helped her skin?  I've tried vegetarian and it was very challenging.  I give her organic chicken, turkey meat and organic beef in moderation.  I am very excited to try the phototherapy:)  How does your daughter handle having vitiligo?  Our daughter's are the same age.  Where does she have her spots?  How long has she had them?  I know for me it's the most challenging thing that I've ever had to deal with.  With God's strength I'm able to go on and he makes me stronger every day:)  Are you on Facebook? 

            • Nicki,

              For what it's worth, Protopic is rather natural... It is made of certain type of dirt (clay) from northern Japan...

            • I"m so glad that you replied, last night I was lying in bed thinking about how we have daughter's the same age and was wondering if perhaps you would be interested in having the girl's be pen pals?  Sending pictures and little notes might be something to look forward to especially with someone else that has Vitiligo!  She's been great regarding it so far.  We've really expressed that this is who God made her for a reason and that she's "special" and when I ask her about it at times (sometimes when applying Wanakee's lotion) she tells me she doesn't really want to lose her spots.  :)  She has had to deal with some friends ask about it though...over and over...usually in the beginning of every school year they ask about it as that's when it's most noticable (she's always a bit more tan from the summer months which makes her spots stand out more - otherwise she's pretty light skinned anyways and it's not something that really stands out unless you're close).  

              My husband is a strict vegetarian, Zoey and I will eat organic chicken or fish on occasion so it's really not that much different than you it seems.  Vegetarian crumbles is our substitute for beef (no soy).  

              Once we found out about the Vitiligo we were on Protopic right away and then I too decided that I wanted to try something natural as I was worried about the long term affect of applying it to someone so young.  I feel good about my choice so far as I believe it's something that you should at least try and tackle from the inside out.  We are thinking about phototherapy though too if we can get our hands on something for the home through our insurance.  

              I am on Facebook here:  I'd love to connect!  I also blog here:

              Let me know if you think your daughter would like to have a pen pal!  :)  No big deal at all if you don't think she'd enjoy it...I was just thinking ahead to when they are older and might need more support. 

              Thanks again for the reply!

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