Just keep thinking about this

I just can't stop thinking about this vit. I have mostly white lines popping up and spots, but mostly lines.. I am very scared for what my futture holds I just don't Want to look deformed .. I don't want my huSband not to be attracted to me anymore , AND my kids to be afraid of me.. I am seriouslly going crazy over this. I can't even look in the mirror and I try to talk to people and they brush me off , and say its not even bad.. Well ii don't want it to get bad.. Does this ever stop or does it keep spreading? And is there anything I can do to try to get if to stop? I am taking b12 and folio acid.. I am jut looking for some advice..

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  • Hey... Don`t worry too much it is correct what they told you above , but now think about the solution .

    What you have to do is first stop the rapid spreading by talking to the right derm.

    YOU CAN STOP SPREDING by taking oraly  steroid tablets or injection on the spots ,It shouud be taking by consulting ur dr. for short period of time . Don’t be afried about using steroid as long as you don’t have other health issue and ur doctor say OK it is fine.

    After you stop the spreading, you will continue with different treatments which is suitable for you ..one each time give every treatment takes 3-6 month to see proper result.

    Good luck!


  •   I know that it is really hard not to freak out or wonder what everybody is saying . I can give you a mans point of view. Your body is going to change no matter what,  your husband love you now  and he will always love  you .because the person on the inside never changes . I know it easier said than it is to believe but you must always think postive.  You have a husband and kids   then you are already one of the riches people in the world because you have FAMILY.

  • You're freaking out, that's totally normal. But listen, your husband will not stop loving you because of your skin. Your children will probably be concerned about you, but the way you discuss it and the way your carry yourself will show them that this disorder is nothing to be ashamed of. I often am very depressed, I've lot a lost of my pigmentation. I worry what people think when they look at me, but I realize it could be so much worse. You are not deformed. If you want to look at someone who is deformed, you can Google it. It often serves as a massive reality check for how lucky we really are. Best of luck to you.

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