Itching before breakout

Hi all!  I am new here and looking forward to meeting everyone.  Whenever I have a breakout of white patches or a white spot, the area itches beforehand. It itched really bad on my neck and that is where it all started a few months ago. Wondering if anyone has had the same experience or anything similar. 

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  • Hi there! My white spots itch after being in the sun.... if my hands or feet are exposed they also hurt in the sun.
  • Yes, that has been true for me as well as stressing seems to bring new areas on as well.

  • Hey

    No matter what one important Rule is DON`T ITCH" Itching can trigg viligo our melanocytes are frigile when vit is active some times itis advices not even to tuch ur vit.

    That is why we easly get vit.on friction areas.



    • Thank you Gia & Bamsegutt. 
  • I sure have. In the beginning, my skin itched a lot when it was losing pigment. I actually stopped steroid cream, was put on protopic, then stopped protopic...all because I THOUGHT I was allergic. I thought the creams must have been what was making me itch so much. Turns out my skin just itches when I get new spots sometimes. It hasn't happened since then, but whenever I itch, I wonder if I will see a spot start to appear soon. The itching may stop with time. Like I said, I haven't had that experience since the first few months I had vitiligo. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! :)
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