Information on Vitiligo Treatments and Research etc

Hi, many people have been asking here for information on treatments, research etc and one of the best I have found is Vitiligo Support International.

I've copied their newsletter and archive link so you can peruse at your leisure:

Ish x

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  • I've never actually "perused" anything at least that I can remember:) Since you posted Ish I will look at it.

  • I only could find you a post in lithuanian language on some mommys forum , its there where i started my treatment . And now im almost = 90% done with Vitiligo . Its was a short advise , but saved my face and my life . Im a new member here and i dont want to get banned claiming CURE . But if it gets me banned so be it . 

    I started to take amino acid TYROSINE and vitamin B6 and Folic acid four months ago and now i have  almost almost almost  ZERO Vitiligo on my private parts ( had 7 small spots ) and have only 2 small spots left on my face i had 5 biggish spots before . I know those will be gone in a matter of months . 

    My spots started to contract the very next day millimeter by millimeter every day . Only time when i saw them stoppint to contract was when i was binge drinking . I must stop drinking :/

    The excerpt from some scientific article basically said that body produces melotonine from tyrosine and if you are stressed all the time it eats your tyrosine and thus Vitiligo .

    Im sorry for my lousy writing i just want to share . I stopped doing any research on Vitiligo cause i stopped thinking about it it doesnt bother me anymore . I found what i needed and if this tyrosine will help another soul it will be one soul in living hell less . 

    • you are kind hearted andrey,

      only 7 spots got vanished,, and u think big spots on hands & legs will get cured with tyrosine, well anyways i checked it in medical shop, but could not find it,,,,

      he said i will have place order, then i must take B6 & folic acid with it is it,,,,,

      i will support u & will give a try,


      i may be the second one to be banned claiming cure,,,,(joking)

      let me post if any improvements,,,,

      take care,,,,


      • Doesnt matter how many spots gone , they are gone and even more important they do not expand . Lack of tyrosine in your system is the only reason one has Vitiligo . 

        • hmmmmmmmmmm,


          thts fine,,,,,

          i ll do


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