
  • Vitiligo is a "super power". It makes us more unique: emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. We experience life through a different lens, which can makes everything as first seem very dismal/dark, or it can do the exact opposite. But, in the end, it's how we control our "super power." We all have good days, and bad days coping with this gift, it's like a constant yin-yang tossing and turning within us; however, when we do get to the stage where we can accept our gift for what it is, then, and only then, will we be able to transcend the dismal/darkness, and fully become one with ourselves, and our "super power". Love is the key to controlling our "super power" . So, love yourself and you will be able to tap into the "super power" that comes with being blest by such a beautiful unique gift. 

  • Hey Katherine,

    Do you mind me asking how long you've had vitiligo?

    I also hated my vitiligo when it first started. I'm sure everyone has at one point or another. Just cause of the fact that it is something not considered as 'normal.' It sucks, a harsh reality at the beginning. With time, hopefully you will learn to love yourself and realize you are more than this disease. Don't let it define you. It's easier said than done. But I started loving it when I saw the positive out the situation - helping others cope with this disease or something similar. Find your calling and all shall fall into place :)

    Hope this helps a bit. 

    P.s. I still have my days where I sometimes wish I didnt have vitiligo. Depending on the situation, it seems like life would be so much easier without it.

  • love and hate

    this is a mirror with two faces and lif you hate that much one day that may turn into love

  • I think the base isn´t loving our vitiligo, but love ourself with or without vitiligo. Because we have vitiligo, yes, but other people have their own problems and each person think that her/his problem is the biggest or at least bigger that other people. I think that the best you can do is see your / our vitiligo with other eyes, feel our vitiligo otherwise. And we can do it.

    We transmit what we feel. If we feel good, we feel our vitiligo part of our live humbly but not as something catastrophic, people recept these feels. I don´t think that vitiligo is something to be proud of having and I don´t tell you that you have to be happy to have these white spots. But neither I don´t tell you that vitiligo is something catastrophic and is in our mind to get taking them as best as possible. I've got, so you can also get. If you try and you work at it, you will get. I'm sure. But you have to work and you have to try day after day. It has been continuous work. You will get it.

  • Katherine,

    First of all, you are very beautiful. Don't let this disease take you over emotionally...

    You don't have to like your vitiligo, but cope with it. 

    If you manage it, you can take some advantages, like Dr. Ben says:

    "Developing vitiligo was the main stimulus that caused me to learn about experiencing optimal health through healthy living - I'm grateful in knowing that I'm coming close to accessing my full health and life potential because of my daily choices.

    Having vitiligo has deepened my capacity to empathize with others who suffer with anxiety about their appearance or any other perceived disability.

    Having vitiligo has given me the gift of being able to almost instantly identify and appreciate people who have extra compassion for others. I think it takes especially kind souls to treat others with vitiligo or some other unique physical trait as though nothing stands out. I'm not writing about being apathetic to another person's appearance at first glance. Rather, I'm thinking about this special gift that some people have, this gift of communicating warmth, acceptance, and genuine care through their friendly gaze. And I believe that living with vitiligo has developed my radar for such people."

    More at

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