
  • Hi Ala,

    Please, you shouldn't worry about all those people, who cares? If other people have problems with it, it is their problem, not yours. I think it might help you if you don't stereotype people too much. You never know what people think, you can't be prejudgemental. I mean vitiligo can happen to everyone (genetic or not!) The most important part is that you accept yourself. I know it's hard and confronting with regards to the spots but there is no other option than acceptance. I am not saying that acceptance is an easy and quick thing to do, but just look at the other part of the coin. Vitiligo can be a challenge towards yourself and others as well. Not only you get to know which ones are worth to continue mainting the friendship with, but you also discover yourself, as there is more to a person than just the appearance, as cliché as it may sound; it is just oh so true! So don't you worry about that,I mean, don't you think it is much nicer to marry someone that loves you instead of someone that just likes your looks? I mean come on, perhaps for adolescents, but once a little older and mature, I think you would prefer someone that loves you instead of just fancies your looks no? I hope you do feel better by now and that you don't worry anymore about the people around you. If it can console you, I mean it's just absurd, you know what happened to me once, I mean honestly it was so absurd that first I was shocked and then I had to laugh. I was in the mall for shopping and this woman who was standing in front of me was so shocked of seeing my vitilgo spots on my cleavage area that she started  chasing the devil in front of me, I am not sure if she was aware of me understanding her - probably not, as she thought I was from another country. But this just to tell you, that there will always be weird people, but you can't change them and it isn't your task either, the only person you can change is yourself, by for instance not worrying so much, you are not alone suffering from vitiligo, trust me on that, I think I can fairly say that i'm speaking for everyone at this forum that we all do suffer from it, all of us, the difference is the way how one deals with it. Courage, my dear, I'm sure you will find the peace you're looking for! Wishing you the best!

  • Hi Ala

    you are not alone... I too joined this forum to not just be among people who understand this problem but want to be healed and will share.. I am now trying Ayurveda after being unsuccessful with homeopathy.. thou homeo did cure a lot of my other health issues.. Diet plays a very imp role says my doctor - avoid all fruits with citrus - like lemon... and also sour things like vinegar and tamarind. he also advices to try an be as much vegetarian as possible but to have meat sometimes.. The medicine is bitter but am willing to try since i want to be cured...

    Stress also aggravates - dont hide... i am sure you have some friends..  dont shun them.. at first I used to put henna on my hands but now I have decided that while I will get treated, I will also stop being bothered by those who dont want to shake hands with me.. It is not easy but I am trying... even if it means one step up and two steps down.. Allaikhaleek...

  • Ala we feel you my friend but hang in there remember you are unique!!! An you will find someone that will love you the way you are...  just educate them about your Vitiligo and the more confident you are you will make them be ok with it.  I've being around people that they stop noticing my vitiligo by being confidents I project that Im unique. Love your uniqueness and the vitiligo will disappear in front of their eyes. 

  • Ala.....hang in there and be strong....connect with a group that's near you or you can start one yourself (vitiligo friends group) That will give you the opportunity to meet others in your area.....never let a person's ignorance rob you of your joy and blessed.
  • WOW , i live in Jordan , school and university  were ok for me ,  went to the US (working) then back home.
    Used to be a banker and now works in the multinational company in jordan , and yes i have Vitiligo  !

    like all people here i wish you all the best, but i really cant see why you live in such pain that most probably you caused to your self !
    you are complaining that people from jordan are going to study in Malaysia because you do not want them to see you !! 

    am sorry but be a man , try to accept yourself ..  then you can live in peace !
    stop complaining about people refusing you for a traditional marriage , go find someone who love you for who you really are !

    maybe i am a bit aggressive , but as a Jordanian i dont like what you just said and i am sure you are are overreacting  !!

    • Hi Amr,

      I like this attitude, it's nice to hear this kind of boost. The 'stop complaining' is very important indeed regarding vitiligo. I mean, it is not meant as an offence towards Ala, not at all, as I wish him all the best. It is just really nice to hear something positive where vitiligo is not the 'main thing' nor an issue actually. Nice!

    • Just my two cents from watching our network and all the people in it over some time--Vitiligo hits people emotionally very differently.  Like you, amr, I've found an ability to put a brave face on it and lessen its impact on me, but there was a time for me when that wasn't true.  Ala, I agree with amr ultimately, but would also want you to know that it takes different people a different amount of time to get to this place.  :)

      •  i agree  we cant treat people as one , that is what makes us unique , but i hate to see an emotionally surrendered souls

  • Ala:  we feel for you and we understand.  For many of us who have had the same feelings, finding others here on the site has really helped to lessen the pain, and even find peace in our hearts about it.  Hopefully, as you talk more with us here, you'll feel the same way.

    • Dear Ala ...I was in Jordan at Dead sea ..very friendly one tell me that they have negative thinking ..BTW .Have you tried Deadsea treatment helps.,,,for some ppl.

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