I am such a negative person because of this disease.

sometimes i try to just be positive around people and be myself but i can people just get distracted and loose focus on what i was saying, im sick of this disease i cant accept myself until others accept me for my drastic changes. the only way i could is if i was born with it then everyone i have ever been around and actually cares would be so use it that it wouldnt matter, but because when i go to see a girl that i havent seen in years or any friends, when i didnt have vitiligo, its a different type of change and they dont see the growing up change in me , just stupid color gone and attractive skin i use to have just vanishes. why ? i dont know im a good person I've served in churches helped the poor, and built houses for them, i have a healthy body workout everyday and muscular ,  never drink or party, soo why do i have to live with this?  unfair and the people who deserve to suffer in life don't. sorry im ranting everyone lol  what do you guys think ? 

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  • I hit rock bottom with mine on holiday last week, it is such a harsh condition . . . it will dampen the most positive spirit but I am looking forward again and focussing on staying fit and healthy and loving my job as a teacher . . . it's funny as the children accept me - shame about the shallow adults!

  • Are you in physical pain? Can you walk and talk and sing and dance? Then you are more fortunate than alot of people. If you obsess about it, people will pick up on that. Live your life.  Be happy. I'm 52 and have had it all my life. A normal life!

  • This is so sad, there are so many of us who are truly struggling to engage in life and not much medical support is given by the health authorities, it's almost like, they are not bothered because it's not life threatening - but you can argue that it actually could be life threatening not by the condition itself but the negative emotions it brings to one's life .

    I must say that you are not alone and admit that I have bad days sometimes too, feeling down and frustrated but I don't let it take over my life for too long because I have 2 young children to look after and bills to pay so can't take a day off  feeling down.

    I know it can be very hard sometimes, especially when you are younger and needed to be excepted by others (I'm sorry if I'm making assumptions)  we all been a teenager and know how it feels like even for anyone without any complications can be hard to be a teenager or a young person in their early 20s. 

    Unfortunately, there are as many shallow and superficial teenagers as sensible ones so I would suggest that you to keep away from the first lot till they grow up and get some senses together and keep your true friends who you feel ok around them being yourself.

    Vitiligo is not an illness, it's a skin condition :) 

    I understand that you have a great self respect and know that you are a good person; helping others, doing charity work. That's a great thing to hold on to! Not many people would do what you've done but vitiligo isn't a curse that's given to people who have been bad and deserved it! It's a skin condition!! Although I completely understand why you feel like that and I think most of us had "why me" feeling at some point of our lives. Sometimes we just need to hear some to reassure us and say things we need to hear - so make sure that you open up to your family and close friends to give them chance to support you!

    I would suggest you to search NATs (negative automatic thoughts) and PATs (positive automatic thoughts) and look in to cognitive behavioral therapy - it really helps in long term to settle your mind and focus on the positive!

    In short term, I would say, get a bottle of fake tan (that's what I do occasionally) I use St Moriz foam tan - medium shade (only £3.99 plus 99p a mitt - I use a bottle of tan up to 7 times and wash the mitt after each time I use it) apply it with tanning mitt and I'm done! I usually apply the tan in the evening and have a shower in the next day so I let it to settle properly. It usually lasts for 2 weeks if no sweating at the gym but less lasting if you are a gym addict but you can always touch up the patches after a work out or when needed. Let me know if you like to try it and need proper instructions!

    • Thats what I exactly do with the fake tan from time to time. I do go to the gym and sweat a lot and just touch up. In the summer is more noticeable..not too long ago I went into the hot tub and an old guy asked me if I had a fongus...
      • Oh dear, I really hate to sound ageist but some old people are very cautious of catching something from other people so anything that looks contiguous they are on full alarm! When the fake tan starts wearing it makes anyone look like they have vitiligo lol And yessss, summer is the best time for vit to show its glory!

  • Hey man I know how your feeling ive lived with this ever since I was five.. But Ill tell you what man you could have autism or you couldve been born with no legs... Be thankful for what you do got man. Yea it sucks why did God make us like this when all of our friends are normal and out partying not worrying about their skin and stuff but you know what they have their own demons to face too and if you dont love yourself no one will. Yea life sucks sometimes but were only here once so live your life to the fullest do what ever your heart desires and dont forget about God while your doing it. You will find happiness if you choose. IT could be wayyyy worse then what we got man. Be thankful

    • Its hard, but I try to look at it that way too! Stay positive, keep your head up.
  • Learn about low stomach acid and vitiligo and cure it then.. its not incurable!
  • Exact same feelings here...

  • I hate vit as much as the next guy, it's ruined my skin. It's an incurable crap condition and fuck knows what makes it worse, my patches are developing at an alarming rate and I will never love what I am becoming. Rant over. Ok so I can't control vit, but I can control my life. I refuse to let this fucked up condition consume me and my life. Why should vit be allowed to stop my dreams?

    Grieve about the condition, curse it, and then move on my friend.
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