
Hi! I just want to share with everyone that my daughter's vitiligo is fully cured . I am the happiest person in the world. It is only by "homeopathy".

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  • Well this a teaser....


    Care to elaborate on exactle what this homeopathic treatment is....

  • I'm also repigmenting with just diet, I'm gluten free and take vitamins B-12 and D in the winter time, vitiligo is an autoimmune disease that might be triggered by intolerance to gluten, do your research in google...

    • I have been gluten free for 1 month and a week and just started having b12 last week, which actually helped me increasing my energy level (improving my tiredness and fatigue). However so far not seen any repigmentation therefore like to know how long has it taken you too repigment.

      • It took me more than a year, I had to go gluten free for other reasons, I was not expecting to repigment. The reason is because it takes a while to heal the damage created by gluten. Your whole body is going to improve.

        • Thanks for letting me know. My plan was to remain gluten free for 3 month, which I taught will give me a hindsight that if I repigment then will continue on GF diet or else leave it.

          I hope I can avoid gluten for long time

  • Hi Rebecca,

    Congrats, that's great news. Can you give us the name of the Homeopathy doctor.

  • Very Happy for you and your daugther rebeca, pls share us the info , as I am trying homepathy too for my 4 year old daugther, but not much progress so far..and its almost more than 1 year ...

  • what is this homeopathy?

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