how long to do uvb treatment for???

hello i am using a medication cream called psoralen where its uvb treatment through the sun exposure it has worked to some degree at first but hasnt been gettin better at all in last month i have been applying it to one spot on my forehead just cause thats all i want in life is for it to be off my fuckin face.I have been doing this treatment for about 3 months now 3 times a week should i keep trying or even worth it ? .....   how is there no cure yet feels like discrimination cause were practically our own rase . sorry ranting  

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  • Is that the instructions your dr gave you, 3 times a week? Do you have the machine at home or are you going to a clinic?
    I was taught that you put the cream on (I use pro topic cream) then treat for a few seconds, if in 24 hours it isn't light pink, then you add a few more seconds. Every 24 hours you check the skin to see if its pink, if not add more time, if its light pink (not burned, sunburned or dark) then you have found the correct exposure time. I do it everyday until I see some freckling .
    • ya thats exactly what i have been doing usually averaging 3 times a week tho just cause it get pink but burnt sometimes soo i let it heal. but ya just hasnt been working lately :( i use protopic also  its worked great for other spots for me

      • Don't let it get burnt, your right , then it has to heal and sets your time back. I have found where my skin is thin, like wrists, tops of feet, I don't get repigmenting either. Also if it doesn't start to repigment after 2 weeks it usually won't come back, for me anyway, that's not the case for others, just me.. I think of them as my tattoo's
  • i eat well, lots of good carbs like greens and fresh fruit , lean meat of course , but i do eat gluten often i donno whether its worth a try to cut it out or not

    • Hmm. I think this happens at some point of uvb treatment. You reach a kinda plateau on your skins response to the uvb exposure. I remember reading that some would actually stop with the uvb sessions for a while and then come back to them. You should try the xtrac laser if you have insurance to cover cost cuz the treatments are not cheap at all.

      • okay thanx man , i wonder if its available in canada

        • np my man....and it should be available in canada..or u can take a drive south and get treatments with it..It's worth it I think...where do you have your vitiligo???/

          • under forearms ,shins and forehead

            • Yea your best bet is to try protopic and light therapy...if after a couple months you dont see some good change..then I would move on to something else. But, this should be enough for some repigmentation.

              It's hard trust me I know. Treating vitiligo is a long drawn out process, and unfortunately the longer youve had it the longer it takes to treat.

  • I hear you Justin,I agree with you too....just you know anything about special diet for Vitiligo? I try to watch my diet by eliminating some sour food it helps..and no stress..I will ask God to heal your Vitiligo specially from your face.
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