Hives and vitiligo

Has anyone experienced hives with their vit? I used to get hives in high school, right before track meets, then they thought it was stress/ excitement And possible sugar intake. Later in my early twenties I got them again. Every night, for two years. The doctors prescribed me steriod and within ten days. My vitiligo spread so rapidly I went back to the doctor to give them the news. When I explained that this was going on the doctor, I quote said, " ohh no! Please don't sue me!" I was so distraught and shocked I laughed and said, "what!?" she then googled the steriod, which was predizone and then left the room.... At the same time I was googling it as well thinking, great, I could have done the research alone. She quickly told me she could not be my doctor any longer and that i needed a specialist. Lol which I had been pushing for all along. With the healthcare I had I wasn't covered and needed a recommendation for it. I did not sue her. Should I have? Ehh I don't know. Has anyone had hives along with this? Anyone care to share their story?

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  • Since hives, have any of you notices a progression with your vit?
    • Thus far I have not noticed any new patches since last week's bout with hives.  My newest spots are starting on my feet...and I notice that my skin changed texture and becase very dry, semi flakey and turned darker in color...looking like I had dirty spots on my feet...when I soaked my feet really well and exfoliated, the dry patches came off and revealed my new bright white patches!  Just in time for sandal season!



  • That is exactly how my vitiligo started on my neck. I took a warm oatmeal bath to calm it down but it worsened the situation. My neck and chest area burned and bled for a few days.  The doctor & dermatologist prescribed Protopic for white patches and Fluocinonide for itchy areas and I asked for a prescription for Hydroxizine for the itching. In addition to the pills and cream, I take Zyrtec. 
    • Ouch! :(
      Yeah zyrtec works the best
  • Yes!  I too have had bouts of hives with my vit.  Mine would flare worse in the evenings, covering large patches and would itch and get puffy.  I also had this strange thing where if I got scratched, the scratch marks would swell and turn red (dr said it was dermographism).  If I carried my purse or a shopping bag over my wrist, I would get red whelts on my wrists.  When I would have flare ups of this, I would be super sensitive to hormonal changes, MSG and stress.  It was like the itching would start first, then as I scratched, it would break out into the hives and spread.  This condition has come and gone over the years for about 7 years now.

    • Wow, yes that's exactly how mine is. I haven't had it for a year, I've changed my diet again and have been working out regularly so I'm hoping it won't flare up again.
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