Hearing loss

Curious to know if anyone has had any problems with their hearing?  I ran across a couple of articles that say,

"Some studies have shown that the auditory function was decreased in patients with pigment disorders such as vitiligo, especially in the high frequency range. The loss of pigment cells that occurs in vitiligo can decrease the cochlear health."

"As vitiligo patients are predisposed to hearing dysfunctions it is recommended to undergo routine monitoring and audiological assessments by specialists for early identification and treatment."


Hope to hear from others!



Taken from article:



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  • Wow...I've had problems with my hearing for maybe four years now...
  • I have always had ear problems. I should have had tubes in my ears as a kid but I never did. The past few months I've been having a lot of problems with my left ear. If there is a sound too loud, or if I'm singing along to the radio, noises tend to reverberate. I don't know if this is from fluid but it's been going on for months. Thanks for the article!

  • Wow that is really interesting. I am part deaf & they have never figured out why.

    This sure makes a lot of sense & makes me really wonder.

    Thanks for sharing this

    • How long have you had vit?
      • Only like a year that it has really been seen but I've been part deaf for like most of my life

        • Thanks for sharing Sarah, anything is possible, I wish there were more research.
          • Me too but at least we have a community to share our info & insights with ..that helps a lot & is better than nothing..sometimes we know more than the doctors

            • Agreed!


  • oh dont tell me that ive known this 4 years that vit had nothing gotta do vid any thing its harmless xept 4 sun burns kay so dont get confused !!

    • It has to do with melanin in the cochlea.

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