
  • Hi Gaby,

    I recently bought and tried chromelin. It goes on clear so hard to see the effect until the next day if you put it on at night. However the cold is pretty decent, not orangey colored. The bottle is about $20 so its worth a try. I use it mostly on my hands and feet. Does not work as well on the face. Hope this helps.

  • I've been using it for the last couple of years now.
    I use it on my forehead and a couple of spots on my neck.
    I believe it works best on non-oily skin types. Eg. It works better on my neck than on my forehead because my forehead tends to be oily.
    It's not a perfect color match but for me it's worth it just to knock the white down a bit.
    I'd say it's worth trying. Its not too expensive. One little bottle goes a long way.
    Good luck,
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