Has anyone began losing hair at all? I noticed that my hair began to get very thin and I had a small bald spot at the crown area however, I did take a major step and cut off my hair and I no longer use any relaxers or color on my hair and now I have noticed that it seems to be getting thicker. My dermatologist told me that the Vitiligo does affect hair loss.
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I've not had any hair loss but I have patches of vitiligo on my scalp where the hair grows white, which I think lots of people have. I've also heard about the link between alopecia and vitiligo - think they belong to the same group of autoimmune-type disorders.
Yes I've heard that too although I tried to re-think it as sort of something that happened when I delivered my son but I think it's a connection with the Vitiligo as well. I have a white patch on my scalp but I haven' t noticed any change in hair color.
Funny you say that, I had thick auburn hair, then when I had my first child , then I noticed that I had some hair loss, I just put it down to stress from the pregnancy and first child ..etc, but when the hair grew back it was snow white. Now 17 years and one more child later, I have now worked out a pattern. I have a patch of hair, sometimes quite large, that falls out completely, then the hair that grows back is completely white. To cope with this I started putting fine blonde through my hair about 10years ago, now I have so many white patches in it that my hairdresser just goes over the roots with bleach to blend in what little is left of my natural colour. I have thought it might be alopecia areata, but wouldn't that grow back in my natural colour? Who knows ?but it's more than just grey hair!... even though my kids stress me enough for it to be greys!!