Hair Dye and Vitiligo

Just a random question i had as i was reading 'Just for men' beard dye label it says that it can cause pigment lose or cause skin to lighten. I was wondering has anyone ever experienced anything like this?

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  • But when you say that Phenols in hair dye are not good for vitiligo, do you mean that it could cause vitiligo to the scalp and hair? or could the effects be more indirect and cause vitiligo in other areas of the body?
    • Chrissy...No one knows which way vitiligo goes...better to avoid bad chemicals which kan affect vitiligo than feel soory after....Some industry workers in India happen to expose them self to higlly phnolic chemicals with out golve ..those who are predisposd to vit has developed general vitiligo after.

      Some ppl who do cell treatment called Eurograft on one side of body ..but they repigment the other untreated side is mystrius about vitiligo.

    • Vitiligo makes our skin more sensitive to everything (cold, heat, etc) , including harsh chemicals. so you have to be more gentle with your skin.

  • Not sure about men, but I feel that the chemicals in hair dyes are not good for our vit. I used to bleach my hair blonde, but decided to stop and go darker as I figured it may not be as harsh for my skin. They have to put those warnings on labels I guess, best to use more natural products if possible.

    Check the chemical ingredients list, I once used proactive face wash products and noticed vit spreading...this had benzoyl peroxide in it so was not good!

    According to this hair products that have chemical 'phenols' could trigger vit :(
    • Yes Jessica...phenols on hair dyes and some chemicals above on some products are not good for us.

      Use natural hena product to color hair..some hennas contain phenols ask the produces , I found  "Glory Black hena"  is with out phnol.

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