Good Suggestion-

Hi all,

 Yesterday a very good suggestion was given by my tattoo artist which i want to share with you all.. she askd me whether i have discovered reason for vitiligo. i said that its exact reason is yet to be discovered. then she told me it happens because of STRESS. few of us have less immunity towards emotions. when we cant handle stress and depression, our soul starts rejecting our body.and melanin is the first thing rejected. So if we want to conquer that disease we have to be HAPPY ALL THE TIME. Ok if we have vitiligo we just have it.. all we need is to love ourself and again BE HAPPY..

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  • I am 100% certain that my vitiligo started because of stress.  In fact, I would say it was 80% stress, and 20% diet and lifestyle. 

  • What is Stress? I think Stress is something which be explain as below. 

    "Stress is The Gap between our expectations & reality. More the gap, m ore is the stress. So, expect nothing & accept evertyhing.

    • Love this quote:

      "Stress is The Gap between our expectations & reality.  More the gap, more is the stress. So, expect nothing & accept evertyhing."

  • Its 100% true latika. Stress is one of the cause for VT. 

  • Yes , even if people are born with Viti they inherit the stress picture of their parent/parents . Just stress doesnt kill melanine - it kills tyrosine the precursor of melanine . 

    You can live all your life in total stress and never know it, thinking its normal state of mind . Most people do not give a damn , you must stop giving a damn about things . Believe me i was a constant worry ... fuk it , if you dont give a damn at work you will achieve more than if you care , same in relationships , same just walking down the street . 

    But its almost impossible to beat yourself , cause its like a drug you want to burry your hear inside the sand of your inner world ... thinking too much destroys all the good chemicals in your system . Stop thinking - start doing . 

    • try meditating - I think it can help de-stress...and its a pretty cool thing to do and you can dine out on it!!!

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