Good news from the dr!!!

I went & saw my dr on tues and my vit is in the middle if my forehead & goes to my left eyebrow. Well the good news is that the pigment is coming back on my forehead, it's starting to "bud" which is very exciting, this is from using protopic and desonide. The eyebrow showed no improvement which is no big deal. I did start b-12 shots once a month & folic acid & vitamin c everyday. We shall see!!

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  • Ive been using it now for just over 3 months.
    • Sounds good, I"m hoping to get results sometime in the near future.  Thanks for your response.  I'm going to ask my doctor about the desonide because all I'm applying right now is protopic.     

  • Hi Kelly, that's awesome!  How long had you been using protopic before you noticed some improvement?  I've heard 2-3 months.  I've been using it for about a month now.  Impatient to the max!  Thanks for sharing.  

  • I use the protopic in the am and the desonide in the pm
    • No I haven't had any side effects from either prescription
    • thank you for the info.

      • kelly i was wandering, did you experienced thining of the skin & stretch marks? i just read these were side effects, caused by desonide.

  • hi kelly, happy for you. hope the rest of us, using protopic shows improvements. do you use protopic & desonide together? and how often? i'll appreciate the info.

  • what is b-12 shots?

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