Ginkgo Biloba

Do any of you with children under the age of 12 have your child on ginkgo biloba for their vitiligo? If so, what dose? Thanks!

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  • My daughter is 10 and she is taking 120 mg of ginko biloba a day (or on most days, we don't always remember). She was diagnosed last September and I asked the doctor - she is a pediatric dermatologist out of University of Chicago and she said she didn't think it could hurt to try. She also uses Protopic twice a day which has helped. I think with something like this, it's tough because you just can't predict the spread. By the way, my daughter can swallow pills, which obviously helps. Best wishes.
    • Thanks so much for your comment! My son is 10 too. Do you take 120 mg once a day?? My pediatrician said he didn't know much about ginkgo and my dermatologist is no help. Nice to have other people's opinions! We may just give it a try! I would just love to slow/stop the spreading!
      • She's taking 60 mg in the morning and 60 at night. Good luck!
        • I am going to pick some up today! Do you think it has made a difference?
          • I definately don't think it's hurt. My daughter's vitiligo started, oddly, on her upper buttocks in a totally unexposed area. That spot grew to about 5 or 6 cm and, while that was increasing in size she did experience several areas on her body - knee, shin and shoulder - where she got the koebner phenomenon. She had eczema on her knee and skin and a scrape on he shoulder from falling off a rip stick. Those areas of koebnerazation have all returned to normal skin color. She is using Protopic too, though, and I don't necessarily consider those areas as true vitiligo since they didn't just show up out of nowhere. She has always had several halo moles at a time as well. Most of those have also repigmented over time. The only other true vitiligo spots,besides the one on her tush, are below her right knee (a small spot that doesn't seem to be growing) and a small very circular spot on her face, up by her right eye. Still small, but may grow, we'll see. She also has a couple of moles on her face and one under her chin that look Iike they may turn into halo moles. Between the ginko and the Protopic it seems under control, but who knows? It may spread tomorrow, it may not. That's what's so hard. I'm hoping for the best but she has seemed upset about it lately and she seems worried about the future. I'm trying to take it one day at a time, it's only been 8 months since she was diagnosed, but it seems like she's had it forever. I' sure you understand what I mean.
            • My son was diagnosed two years ago. He had multiple spots at the time of diagnosis, with little spreading until this past winter, when his feet have spread rapidly. Protopic has helped tremendously and has almost completely repigmented his knees. Hoping the ginkgo will slow the spread. Thanks for your help and good luck to your daughter!
  • I will not advice  Ginkgo B to a child..It is immune buster in some case we don`t need to bust our immune . You may have read some published papers but in the reality many vitis have tried it with out help some report it worsen there vitiligo in other forums ,One of our member called “DJ “ has bad experience too.


    One big lesson I got from my vitiligo is ..I learned not to trust what I read even in a published papers.


    This product may help people who don`t get balanced diet. It hasn`t been helpful to many who get balanced diet.



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