Getting Rid of Vitiligo

i'm a teenage girl and I've had vitiligo for about 2 years now. It is very hard dealing with vitiligo while you are growing up. I was wondering if anyone knew of any kind of vitamins or lotions/oils that can work really well on getting my skin color back to the regular color? Any kind of recommendation will work, thank you :)

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  • Haylie, try self tanner on your spots. It seems to help camouflage them

    • i have tried that before, and it worked a little bit. but i would feel more comfortable knowing that it is gone. but thanks!

      • I know what you mean. I'd love to have mine gone too. I used Protopic on my face and it repigmented a lot. Nothing has worked on my hands/arms which is what I am most insecure about. Just keep having faith that one day they will be a cure and until then take good care of yourself.

      • yeah the self tanner doesn't work for me, seems like it's too orange and looks funny.  as a male, it's hard to go the self tanner route, I'd rather just stay home.  I've noticed some improvement today but it's hard to tell what exactly has helped since I'm doing so many things including eating a ton of green veggies, taking B12, folic acid, multi-vitiman, and ginko b.  I'm hopeful to get protopic sometime this week and try that.  

        • If insurance doesn't cover Protopic ask for samples from your dermatologist.  It has worked well on my face.  Lidex has worked on the trunk and arms for me.  Xcimer laser treatments have helped greatly but is taking a long time.  And, I think you need to search for self tanners that aren't too orangey...

          • thank you I'm going to give it a shot!

  • my dermatologist told me that i could take extra vitamin B  (the whole range)  she said it wont do any harm since its water soluable and the excess will flow out and it might help.

  • Protopic has worked really well for my son on most areas except his feet. We have recently purchased a handheld NB UVB light which has almost completely repigmented his hips. He also takes a ton of vitamins. We pray everyday that it will one day resolve itself! I have met two people in my area who had it for about 9 years during their childhood years, and then one day it all just went away. Gives me something to be hopeful for! Good luck to you! You are a beautiful girl!
    • okay thank you! what kind of vitamins does he take?

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