Getting hopeful

I am not sure but I think my color maybe coming back. Its kindof too early to really tell, but areas of my hands are turning red on top and the palms are looking like a light tan. Idk but I am asking for those who have repigmented please share your experience. Not sure if this is just something that will pass or true repigmentation. Thanks for your input :)

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  • Hi Antuana, 

    What type of treatment are you using ? I sincerely hope you are re-pigmenting, you should take some photos and compare them, this way you will see clearly the areas that are re-pigmenting. 6 weeks ago i started taking vitamins, and i diet change...the diet change has been a struggle, so if im honest i have lapsed a bit there. Anyway i cannot see any change yet

    Also jeff i can clearly see your vits has gone....whats the secret, and congratulations 

    • I am not using any treatment at this time, but I have in the past. I am thinking of getting back on vitamins but nothing more.

  • 1) Antuana -- Im thrilled to see a positive post! Hopefully you're on track to repigmenting; keep us updated.

    2) Jeff -- Your face looks awesome. Congrats!

    • Thanks Paul

    • Thanks. I try to stay positive about my vit. I have had it for so long its just a part of life for me.

  • I got most of my color back.  My white spots started with a tingle and itch (the same thing I felt when I loss color), and then started to re-pigment.

    What I noticed was that my color came back in the reverse order in which I lost it.  Meaning, my forehead was the first place to loose color and the last place to get it back. 

    Another thing I noticed was my color wasn't the same shade, and it's taking a while to blend together.  The color that came back was actually darker than the rest of my tone.

    Don't know if what I said helps.  But I do hope you stay hopeful.


    • I am glad your color returned. Did you do anything or did it just happen? I can say I have never experienced any tingling but I notice that if this is repigmentation its starting where I first lost color.  I am staying hopeful. Thanks for sharing :)

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