Flu vaccines and vitiligo!!

What do yo guys think about a possible link between flu vaccination and vitiligo?? I strongly stink vitiligo is a side effect of the flu vaccine! My 5 year old son was very healthy until he had his first flu vaccine, he developed vitiligo like crazy, now he is 5 and he is almost enterally white... I'm so upset about this!! Doctors never tell you the side effects of the medication!!! 

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  • I never get the flu shot, and i have Vit.

    • The flu shot suppresses the immune system, so I think that might help a person which is already weak to develop vitiligo....after my son had the flu shot he developed vitiligo and food allergies, and of course he was always sick with flu symptoms! After I stopped the magic flu shot...he has been very healthy, thanks god! So, yes I think that shot played a good role on that! Just read what the flu shot contains! Terrible!
      • Hey Tania .  I think The flu shot boost the immune and waht we vities need is to suppress the immune..I think that is way many exprience vit spreding after vacination,I am not shore just gussing.There must be some connections since several report the same ting.


        • All vaccines actually suppress the immune system..it is like putting a virus into you body..when you have a virus your immune system is weakened.

          • Interesting.  I did develop vitiligo shortly after my last flu shot...but it was also shortly after a major stressor that was probably mo
            • A pathology nurse mentioned to me that there is latex in vaccinations, so this could be aggravting factor. (sythetic clothes etc always make my vitligo worse). I was shocked!
  • All vaccines cause the immune system to be weakened, and this is bad for those with vitiligo or someone who may have a predisposition towards getting vitiligo (may cause the condition to be expressed sooner than it would have). Because when you have vitiligo you want to do the exact opposite and increase the immune system so it is functioning optimally.

    How long ago did he get the flu shot? Possibly it is a result of the vaccine and over time the chemicals from the vaccine will become less potent in his system and slow down or stop the vitiligo resulting from it.

    I had a vaccine about 6 years ago and developed one spot I believe due to it and since then I am going to avoid all vaccines.

    I would recommend trying to boost his immune system, is he taking vitamins? and probiotics are beneficial. Also, eating a healthy diet with plenty of antioxidants. And since he is so young a nice natural topical treatment to try is coconut oil and possibly try to get him to sit in the sun for a few minutes a day. I apply the coconut oil to my face and last summer did see a few spots of repigmentation(I used other things on my face from the dermotologist and didn't even see this good of a result).

    One important factor is that it is easier to repigment skin the less time it has been depigmented. So I think it is important to take action right away. I am 23 and have had vitiligo since I was 11.

    Also, does he have any food allergies? I would suggest changing his diet but since he is so young it is probably harder to do. I am currently on a gluten free, dairy free, vegan diet and suggest it to anyone with vitiligo.

    • His first flu shot was when he was a baby, and he developed vitiligo at 2, he is allergic to tree nuts, everything is good, no more allergies . He used creams that the dermatologist recommended but didn't help :( He has more of the white than his normal skin, his dermatologist(various doctors)  says that for vitiligo there is nothing to do :( just have a balance diet and exercise.  Even though his vittiligo is progressing very fast, he had some regimentation back around his eyes. Let see what happens... :( 
      • I think there is a strong link. I had flu shot at my work place six months before i developed vitiligo. I never thought about that until your brought it up.

  • Wish there were some prior tests before one is given some medicine/vaccine to find out if it would effect this way (unfortunately we don't have any such option) ... considering they are unable to provide quick fix or some sure shot treatment for vitiligo  ... It is so sad to hear this , each persons immune system works differently...I wonder how can one actually find out real cause of vitiligo it so unpredictable!

    Which flu vaccine did doctor give ?

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