After many years suspactions about the cream called Pseducatalese the Germen TV report has exposed Professor`s cream is not working ,,, .

The vitiligo report comes  after 16 minute.

or you can read this by translate it to english

It is sad when one of the greatest vitilig reasercher is become like other scam sellers.

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  • Not surprised. I had the compound made locally, and used it with no improved results.

  • I have tried the treatment ,,stil it is confuzing it helps a little to some ppl as well ,I think the effect is more from Deadsea .

    • I have found some people who claim that the treatment has helped them...too It is sad that the proffesor couldn`t get a chance to approve it clinicaly trials.,It is going to stay scaptic all the time.

  • I'm sure that was hard for you to see happen, but I'm really glad you posted it here.  I read the google-ized translation and think I got most of the story.  Thanks.

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