
  • Guys and gulls,

    The sun is part of a treatment really, without sun, repigmenting is very slow or stubborn.  

    Please those share the info that the areas below chin, below elbows (the areas having least sun lights) are the most 

    stubborn.  This is the fact for sure.  

    However, I should also emphasize that you have to do some interior corrections/adjustments before UV treatment or sun exposure. 

    That is why we see very much variation in the help of sun, or UV.  

    best of wishes..

  • i  have found  that  sitting in the sun   has gave me more  white spots


  • I just got back from a cruise and while in Mexico I met ana with Vitilgo who said being in the sun all the time "cured him" and he only gets a white spot if he scratches himself…food for thought 
    • as I am no longer living like a "prisoner" in my own home and avoiding all sun exposure, I am actually seeing my worst white spot starting to freckle!  I cannot believe my EYES!  I use SPF35 (blocks UVA and UVB rays), and always wear UV protected sunglasses.  However lately I have been "experimenting" never in direct sun mind you but in indirect by pulling my glasses down (mainly to see how the makeup for the day looks in the rearview mirror, lol!)....hmmmmm, maybe there is something to this afterall?

  • I'm retired and have played golf often. Now I was told to limit my exposure in the sun so I play once a week, nine  holes in the evening, and wear a wide-grimed hat and two golf gloves. 

  • I sat in the sun for a day at the beach.Thought to myself..I should probly cover up..I didnt but...can say the patches on my hands and arms all blistered.I had my arms wrapped in bandages for weeks(You can check out my photos on my page)...but...for most the patches that were severly burnt,came back with my original colour.I think I damaged my skin so much that it regenerated as normal pigment...I obviously dont reccomend to do this,...fairly dangerous for anyone...but yeah...the sun had something to do with the repigment.

    • Wow thank you for sharing your story
    • I spent a week in the sun in Arizona, unprotected, and got a sun burn from hell, unfortunetly i did not get the same results as you.. I did blister and peeled, but when all the burnt skin came off I has a super tan everywhere except on my spots, they were and still are white..


  • No never been told that!

    Just make sure your protected, I use factor 50+ sun lotion.

    The sun is good for your skin just protect it.
  • Quite Frankly, exposure to sun helps individuals with vit. 


    I heard 20 minutes to half an hour is a good number (I believe for each day !).



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