Experience with oil Vitiligo Organics from Australia?

I am a new member and the first question is:

Are there any cured of vitiligo?

I intend to buy oil vitiligo Organix from Australia at a cost $ 89 for 125 ml.
Does anyone have experience with this drug?

Thanks in advance.


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  • Hello,
    Is your friend already received an oil from Australia?
    • Yes he did. He's been using it for around a wel or two but so far no progress.  It is supposed to take at least a couple of months, so I'll report back later. 
      • Hi Tony,

        Does your friend any news and results from oil?


        • I have tried the vitiligo organics. it make my skin intensely itchy and I had to give up after a month. I used the product as directed. I stopped using the product and the intense itchiness stopped too. I sent the bottles back as directed and asked for a refund as it says in the advertisement. That was 6 mth s ago, I have not heard anything since then and no refund. I was taken in by this sham product.

          May be there are some people out there who have had success with it, please let us know.


        • I believe he has given up on it. 
          So that's at least one data point for you. 
          Good lick with whatever you choose to do. 
          • Thank you Tony..


      • Thank you very much Tony!

        I hope it will be progress ..

        I'm still thinking whether to order ..I am going to wait for more new information from your friends ....


  • Thank you very much for your comment ... and for future information about Vitiligo Organix...
    • You are correct.


      • Hi,

        Do you know how to treat from inside..any experience....

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