EFT Tapping to lower stress and heal the mind and body

Has anyone tried EFT tapping? It stands for Emotional Freedom Technique, and is a type of meditation and counseling intervention. I saw a Youtube video about it today, did a google search and found out it's really easy to learn and do. Basically what you do is tap different energy points on your body (mostly on the face) while saying positive statements. Doing this relieves stress and negative energy, which helps the mind and body heal.

It's very popular. There is a strong link between mental stress, physical ailments, and the ability of the body to heal.

I just did it today and felt great afterwards. Here's some links about it. Again you can find out everything you need to know about it online for free, there are many Youtube videos and articles.

Nick Ortner on how to rewire the brain with EFT - Tapping World Summit 2012

Tapping 101 - History and Science of EFT




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  • meditation i believe can help a lot i was doing it for a good week every night for 30 min straight, i would put nothing but positive thoughts and images into my brain, also breath very full and slow . i found  more rejig no lie , not a lot but i think it helped with the other treatments that i have been doing

    • Yeah I agree

      I tried meditating for a while but found it difficult to clear my mind. This EFT thing is easier to do, and I feel better faster.

      Here's another demonstration video I like

      Healing From the Inside Out - Tapping with Brad Yates

      Does anyone else think this guy reminds them of Tom Cruise? lol

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