Easy Explaination

I know we all get asked a milliion and one questions about vit. I would usually try to explain it and that would always lead to more questions. So one day I started telling people that it the same thing that MJ and most people say oh..ok and then they are satisified witih the explaination as if the light bulb goes off.. that usually works for me and people seem to stop asking more questions when I answer that way...but there are exceptions...I told that to this young girl she was about 11 and she was okay then she asked could I die from it because thats what killed MJ. I was schocked and wanted to laugh but I let her know that is not why he died.. not sure where she got that from. I know vit is not the best thing to have but at least it does not kill....but ppl seem more accepting when I give them the MJ explaination and it makes me feel better cause I dont feel like I am teaching a science class...just sharing :)

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