Down in the Dumps

I notice after getting out of my bath this evening that my Vitiligo has picked up the pace on my back. It seems to be trailing my back bone, really gutted as it is the only place on my body that Vit hadn't shown it's ugly head.

I feel really pissed and down. How Vitiligo is not consider a dilibating desease like other skin conditions is beyond me, it just does'nt seem fair.

I was wondering anyone with vit out there that get's bout's of feeling tired? I'm not sure if this has anything to do with Vit or the cold English winter but I get very tired quite often.

I feel I have to do something to Tackle Vit now!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Thanks Lawrence I completely agree. I watched a programme last night on tv about a women who had legs that wouldn't stop growing, they weighed 17stones, above her legs she was very skinny. To cut a long story short she never gave up hope. A specialist found a gene that caused the problem which she had suffered from birth she is now 36. The specialist found the medication to stop the growth - moreover the growth started to reduce in size.
    She is a remarkable women with courage of which I thought impossible-she never gave up hope & neither should we give up the fight to find a cure for Vitiligo.
    Best regards,
    • Yeah , when i was first diagnosed with Viti i accepted it and left it spread, cause been told there is no cure . Bullshit ! Only death has no cure , all the other filth has cure , but its either  too late or too expensive ( for the gov. or insurance ) . Oh yeah or the stuff that can cure it is illegal in your country .

  • Hi Wayne,

    Great discussion you've stated. I fully believe that the cure will come from Vitilgo patients and with discussions like this will shed light on the causes and eventally a cure. Everybody should keep asking questions and researching!!!!



  • Hi Wayne,

    How long have you had it?...and what have you done so far to fight it? Pete.

    • Hi Peter

      Have u any remedy as yet? Please share.Tks

      • I have been using the standard protocol (NB - UVB & Steroid cream) combined with a cream I had a pharmacist make for me. I have had very positive results. I have also had a pseudo- catalase cream made and have been applying that for the last 6 weeks but I have not seen any positive results from this particular cream. Please check out my page and also group page I have more info and before and after pictures. I will upload more pics in the next day or two. Pete.

  • Hi Wayne

    Just saw your post.........if you feeling tired often ...please check your thyroxin level and whether you have cld be it........can be done with a simple blood test.....God Bless!

    • Hi Wayne, I was really tired I am aneamic think thats how you spell it. I have also got really large patches on my back they appeared in the last couple of months. I use St Tropez bronzing mousse I apply it with a self tan mitt it covers really well.I am taking lots of vitamins no repigmentation yet, I hope when the sun comes out it may help.

  • Hi there Wayne,

    I am  a new member to this site & I am also desperately looking for answers to a solution. I have read up so much on Vitiligo & frankly, I am more confused than before!! Don't get me wrong....I value everybody's input & I feel that what works for one, might not necessarily work for another. I think it's basically a case of trial & error.

    I have this condition for 15 years now. It has spread to different parts of my body over the years & mostly covers my hands, arms, neck & feet. I don't have any spots on my back or face. (Very little on my legs). It remains dormant for some time, then flares up again!

    Have you had your thyroid tested?

    My vitiligo was triggered by hyperthyroidism which several dermatoligists confirmed. The reason why I ask whether you have had your thyroid checked is because one of the most common symptoms of the thyroid gland that does not function correctly is fatigue. It took doctors a few years to diagnose that I had a thyroid problem. The levels fluctuate which made it difficult to diagnose. It took repeated tests before they picked it up. By the time they did, the doctor who I was under at the time was horrified when he received my blood results. He mentioned that he had never seen such a high count in all his years of practice. He said that I was lucky to still be alive as it could affect the heart. I had to have radioactive iodine which in most cases kills too much of the thyroid gland. However, I now have hypothyroidism which is totally opposite to what I first had, and am now taking eltroxin in order to stabilize the gland. I feel loads better since taking my medication. Shortly after I had the radioactive iodine, did the vitiligo start! All the dermatoligists said that it's the result of my thyroid. I can control the thyroid, but unfortunately I cannot control the vitiligo & wish for a "quick fix."

    If you are interested in asking me about the symptoms of hyperthyroidism & hypothyroidism, please do not hesitate to let me know, as I will gladly assist you. I'm not saying that this is what's causing your fatigue, but something to definitely have checked out by your doctor.

    Take care. :-)


    • Thank you. I have used dermacolour in the past unfortunately it leaves stains on my clothes so I do prefer St Tropez 'intensifier" tanning cream problem is its expensive to use.useallthe
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