Don't waste life on things you can not change...

Hello all, I currently have vitiligo on my face, arms, chest, neck, and on my back. I used to be super depressed about my skin condition, as it developed later in life. I didn't see it until age 17. Before it appeared I was great with women and always had one of the best looking girls in school. But later around age 17 I started to get vitiligo on my arms. Then it started to go down hill, it spread to other parts of my body. So up to age I would like to say 20 I was really depressed and did not go out much. When I would try to talk to women that appealed to me I would get shut down as they would look at me like I was from mars lol. So I let go of dating for a while. Later though I figured out, Why be letting life go. So I started to do art, commit more time into school. I also started to train In mixed martial arts. I was always athletic growing up, and in the gym quickly learned how to properly fight/ defend myself. As my athletic abilities and education started to get to another level I noticed that I was not so down of my self and that I was happy. It showed as the opposite sex showed more interest in me. As I believe I projected a confident person. On days I still wish I did not have vitiligo, but on 99% of my time I would not change a thing about my self , because it has made me the person I am today. A extremely intelligent person with great characteristics, with a very wealthy future. So I wrote this small bio to keep it short as I wish I could add more. As it seems restricted and does not please me but I hope if only one person reads this and plants a seed to work on your self and vitiligo will seem like the last of your worries. Stay healthy and may you all have a successful future Thank you

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  • I feel the same with my vitiligo. It had killed my confidence the first few years but now I think that is the last thing I notice about myself. At the end of the day only our skin is changing but that does not mean we have to change with it. We are all beautiful with or without vitiligo and to be honest I cannot even see myself without it. I just see it as something else to add to the list of things that make me unique. I know there are people out there with far worse and sometimes it is just easier to accept what you got and move on. If vitiligo has taught me anything it is to appreciate the people who are in my life for who I am not what I look like.

  • God always has a purpose

    Godbless Bro

  • Tú eres grande y hermoso y vales más por tú enorme corazón eso vale más que nuestra piel con vitiligo!!!!! Un abrazo y saludos desde México!!!!!
    • Mill gracias por tomar el tiempo a leer poco de mi Vida. :)
      Mexico is beautiful, I love to visit
  • Thanks for sharing this. You have a great attitude!

    It's all about confidence and loving yourself enough to not worry what others think. Then people start being more attracted to you. It took me a long time to reach that place. I got vit when I was 5 and had a really hard time through middle and high school with depression. I really hated the way my legs and arms looked in every photo. I also studied martial arts during that time and felt great confidence from that! 

    When I read posts from people who feel that their vit is the source of all that is wrong, it makes me sad because I wish they could see what I see now. But we all have our own paths. 

    You can't make anyone change their beliefs unless they want to, and by just being out there and doing your thing people will see and respect that. So thanks for sharing what worked for you. :)


    • Thanks for taking the time to read my post.
      I appreciate the love :)
  • If I were u as u said - An extremely intelligent person with great characteristics, with a very wealthy future. I wud NEVER let it go without fighting. There are hundreds of case where people fought the disease and successfully prevailed. Learn the disease and fight it, rather than giving in to it.

  • Very well written and said, my only doubts I had was when I had to go out to places where its crowded low light is where the spots on my hands and little on my face affected the way I looked at people and was afraid for them to look me directly in the face. After some time I said to myself, I can't hide for what I have been born with my whole life, one step at a time I became comfortable with just going about my way, if someone looked at me different I would know but that wouldn't stop me from what I want to do with my life, is enjoy every minute of it, and to not stress about my situation because I know for some its even more difficult. Don't also put yourself down, I've had a couple times where you're just fed up with vit and want to start hiding from people, friends, family. The moment you start hiding it, it will become harder to come out of it.
    • So true embrace it. Life is to short to worry about vitiligo. We can make our selfs success stories.
  • Just because you dont know how to change something doesnt mean there is no way to do it . 

    Its 100% there is this simple solution hidden in plain sight ...thats why people are so caught up in finding it , like gamblers to hit the jack pot . 

    But in general you are right - if you dont have influence over some thing dont stress about it, and if you can just walk away . 

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