does working out make vitiligo spread?

So iv had this question for a while, well we all know stress makes vitiligo spread, both emotional stress and physical stess, when you are working out(heavy lifting) you are causing physical stress on your body, doesnt that make vitiligo spread? Im saying this because in the summer i workout alot and i notice new spots, or maby its just my imagination, can somebody help me clear this doubt??? THANKS!

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  • I honestly don't think working out causes it to spread. I have been working out regularly for awhile, even more since the beginning of the year and have noticed some new spots this summer, but its pretty typical for me to find new spots once I get more tan. They are small specks so its not anything I can attribute to working out. It certainly hasn't been spreading at a higher rate than is has in the past. But I agree with what others have said, working out has led me to be more confident. 

    HOWEVER I do think that getting cut or any damage to my skin can create new spots. Usually my scar tissues comes back depigmented if I have a deep cut from something. 

    • Yeah i have been working out for a while now, i had a small spot around my lip that i was worried about, but nothing has changed other than me noticing my spots more since summer is here. Thank you for your response
  • Nah I lift six times a week and only feel more confident; however, I notice the Texas summer sun causes mine to spread. Check out Mike Mahler or Scotty Jorgenson two pro athletes with vit 

    • Yeah Scott Jorgenson is awesome, it was nice to see a pro athlete with vitiligo. 

  • NEVER bro, Rather U MUST exercise. but Not too heavy for ur age n experience level. U MUST MUST lead a HEALTHY life through proper DIET,EXERCISE and REST. U ll see that all the success stories of vitiligo patient include exercise. To me, U can HALT the disease just by following PROPER DIET,EXERCISE and REST. Remember the diseases is NOT on ur skin, rather it is inside ur body. hope u got me.

    • Yeah i got you, thanks for your reply!
      • Moderate Exercise important for us...but don`t over do it that you creat unnessasary stress .

  • ya man anytime working out for life !!

  • working out for me if anything has helped the most for vit, because you become more confident less emotional stress therefor helps prevent depig . working out has waaay more benefits then what ppl think.

    • Yes, true, working out helps relieve alot of stress, and makes you more confident, im going to try to make it an everyday thing, thanks for your response
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