doctor and best questions to ask

I'm not sure about everyone else, but it always takes me a long long time to get to see the dermatologist specialist, months in fact and its costly! I just got a new referral --- which should have been simple, but to my frustration the doctor wanted to examine my 'rash' on my entire body before referring me (which i didn't want to do, it was like they didn't believe me!) Felt so angry, but that happens often...i felt like i had to educate the doctor as they had no idea with vitiligo was. The doctor even proceeded to 'google' it in front of me 

Anyway, i am just wondering what others find the best questions to ask during consultation - as i want to get the best advice for my money considering the waiting list is long. steroid creams have failed me in the past, so I'm thinking to ask about immune suppressants? Has anyone had experience with these? I want to try any other option before UVB

Thanks :) and feel free to add your bad doctor experiences! 


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  • I just looked at my referral letter, which recommends 'Calcineurin Inhibitors' - as a immunosuppressant rather than the 'corticosteroids' that i have tried 

  • Hey say “steroid creams have failed me in the past, so I'm thinking to ask about immune suppressants?” All immune suppressants are based on steroid, are you thinking orally taking or injection…I don`t know how Australian doctors think about steroids ,most western doctors are against it ..but there are many studies show mini plus orally steroid  treatment helps to stabilize and possible repig…. Some ppl say direct steroid  injection on vitiligo spots help them to repig, I think it has some side effects specially on women’s feel hormonal changes easily…ask these things with your Derm.

    Please give us replay what ur dr say about it.


    • Thanks for some clarification, i guess i have been misinformed? I was aware that steroid creams suppress the immune system, but was also told that i could get 'immune suppressants' as tablets/creams and presumed that they were different to steroid- or perhaps they are just a stronger version? this is something i will confirm from my doctor :) The 'steriod' cream i have used that didnt work is Elocon 

      I will ask about the injections too, thanks i wasn't aware about that method. The immune suppressant I'm interested in is Tacrolimus (i see lots of people on here taking about protopic, i think this is the same) this is what made me think its NOT steriod : 

       An important advantage of tacrolimus is that unlike steroids, it does not cause skin thinning (atrophy), or other steroid related side-effects

      I still have to wait two more months for my appointment, it always takes a long time to get to see the dermatologist :( Maybe theres a lack of them in Australia lol! 

      Thanks :)

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