
I'm really starting to lose my faith in people, especially our society today. I was listening to the radio and it's "text your confessions tuesday". All i heard was cheating on her, cheating on him, cheating with my boss, neighbor, husbands brother, etc etc etc. Seriously people?? WTF!!! And I'm not immune either, that's how my wife and i split. She cheated, no reason, "didn't love me anymore". What for!?! I work my ass off, pay the bills, cook ALL our meals, am not cheap when it comes to gifts, am spontaneous and fun as much as reliable and serious. Why??? Why???? :*( fml. Is nothing sacred anymore?

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  • Michael, I felt and sometimes still feel much the way you describe here.  My situation was a bit different in that I left a marriage to a very cruel, mentally and emotionally controlling man.  It ended the night he put his hands on me, I left with my daughter and never looked back.  It hurt, sure, but it hurt more to lose myself and my identity by being married to such a cruel jerk.  I then asked myself "is there a reason I pick partners not worthy of me time and again?"


    It's been very hard the past three years, especially the past year with the onset of this condition.  But I know that there are kind people out there, more of those than jerks, I see and experience it almost every day.  I also feel sick when I hear people report such dalliances and unfaithfulness almost like it's a joke to them.  It's a sacrad thing, not something to be played with.  But sadly not all people view it that way, only what they can get away with in life, and have no concern for anyone but themselves. 

    I would rather be my loving self and risk being hurt by someone unfeeling, than never getting to share that with someone.  It's a gamble, whatever someone is dealing with in life, and everyone is dealing with their own demons, I truly believe that.  But always remember there is more good than bad in the world.  Hope you are feeling a bit better.



  • michael, don't give up on people. there's good people out there, that have values, morals & most important honest feelings. my husband left me too, however, i'm learning with time to appreciate, love and respect myself more. something i had lost while with him.

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