Digestion problems and a supplement

I started taking a supplement called Betaine HCL that is supposed to help with acid reflux for SOME individuals that have acid reflux. The theory is that individuals with certain autoimmune disorders often have acid reflux, but not because they make too much stomach acid.  They have acid reflux because they don't make enough of the correct type of acid to breakdown foods etc.  One of the theories I read is that individuals with vitiligo may not be absorbing certain nutrients from foods they eat and this could be causing a cascade of reactions leading to vitiligo.  I have had digestions discomfort and problems since I was a kid which is also when vitiligo started.

In any case, since I started taking this supplement and aside from not having acid reflux and bloating anymore,  I have also recently noticed pigmentation returning to my arms which to me I can take or leave because I have lost all of my pigment. However, I wondered for anyone who just started losing pigmentation if they have noticed digestion issues and if they have heard of the supplement.

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  • Hi Vanessa, How many mg & how many times a day this betaine HCL?

    • The supplement has recommendations on the bottle itself. As I said before, do your research and as always consult with primary care doctor. 

  • I am definitely reaping the benefits of the Betaine HCL as far as my digestion issues, but the repigmentation is a moot point for me as I am about 95% depigmented.  I mention it here in case anyone else has similar issues and is just starting out with vitiligo. Let me know if anyone has any experience with Betaine HCL. 

    • Hi Vanessa, How many mg & how many times do u take Betaine HCL a day ?  I want to give it a try. Pl. let me know. I have been having this problem since childhood this acid thing. Thanks  for this info to this site. Hope some of us may be benefited by this.

      • I just take one pill after I eat a bite of food from a meal that has protein in it. If you look it up online you can find recommendations on how to test out and see if you need it and how much to take of it. Do speak to your doctor about this over the counter product. Here is the site for the one I take http://jubalnation.com/shop/article_62/Country-Life-Betaine-Hydroch...

        Good luck!

        • I m going to inform u soon about the result i get Thanks

  • I agree with this theory :) but we have to feed our bodies the rite things. Low stomach acid can contribute to a list of problems. Low adrenal function, mal nutrition, candida overgrowth which I've read can have a direct relationship with v I've read. Lots more but I think this is what's wrong with me and maybe many others but ppl are desperate and get bandaid treatments!
  • Hi Vanessa,

    First and foremost, I'm glad you found a supplement that is working for you. 

    When I saw the title of your post the first thing I thought of was the relationship between gluten intolerance and vitiligo.  Google search those terms and do some research...you may find the actual source of your stomach problems, and not just a patch for one of the symptoms.  Good luck.


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