
I have been looking into diets for my own weight loss as well as something that may help slow the progression of my vitiligo. Does anyone know about certains foods that should be avoided, or foods that would be beneficial? I would love to hear anyones stories of success, such as the gluten free, vegetarians diets etc. Thanks!

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  • There is no any proof/evidence that shows some diet can trig or repigment vitiligo but we have heard many theories and experimented a lot but the truth is nothing works.

    My advice is Live normal life eat variety and moderate balanced ..don`t over do any ting coz you read it helps ,  don`t west ur energy  about picking food  and create stress ,  Only one thing for sure we know is that emotional stress is not good for vitiligo …try to avoid all type of unnessary stress  well busy stress is not that bad,…eat what you feel is right try to live healthy coz it is good for over all health.. .. There were a time I changed my diet and start to eat variety of food and repigmented ,but when I got vitiligo again what ever I tried nothing helps, I am always on research and trials . I have tried almost all remedies, for me adding or avoiding of some diets has no change,

    Avoid food only if you are allergic to it… Remember vitiligo is individual some say  avoiding or adding this and that  help….I heard from one vitiligo scientist consuming less omega 3 and too much omega 6 is not good for vitiligo. It is advised to add more O3 since we get O6 from all type of cooking oil….this make sense to me I haven`t seen much improvement though.

    Since my vit is on and off there must be some environmental triger out there ...I couldn`t figure it out yet.

    If any one has truelly exprienced repigment by adding or avoiding some diets please share your story.




    • Thanks Bamsegutt, I guess we all get carried away looking for some way to help re-pigment, so its nice to see both side of the debate! I figured that it was worth a try, since this was one thing i hadn't tried yet....and what works for some may not necessarily work for others. Everything is a trial! Do you know more about vitamins? Some say B12 and Folic Acid are helpful? 


      • About vitamins and supplments /antioxidants

        Vitiligo is not connected with of luck of vitamin but some research show that we process vitamin B differently ..most vities show to have less Vitamin B12 and vitamin D3. If you are vegiterian  or live in a country with less sun take a blood test and talk to ur doctor if you need to take more  vitamin other wise no need for more supplements as long as you eat variety foods.

        There are many contra theories about vitiligo:-

        Some say vitamin C is important in forming cells Other says we don`t need much of it.

        Some say taking immune boosters/antioxidants is good other say we don`t need much of it even the most known documented vitiligo supplements like Ginkgo B. show to be it is not usefull.

        If you want to try ..Choose one diet treatment at a time in a way that it doesn`t stress you and see if you can  get some result .

        Remember vitiligo treatment is individual ..your remedies might help you .


  • Thanks to you both, that helps :)

  • Nj pretty much covered it, i go to the gym about 5 times a week, eat fish about 2-3 times a week, eat alot of egg and walnuts and drink milk (1 cup a day) ive noticed my vit pretty much stopped spreading completely over the past year, i didn't think a diet would really help but it does.

  • Here u go :)

    Vitiligo - avoid citrus fruits ( oranges , lemon , tamarind , reduce intake of tomatoes , pickles ) , frozen food is also not considered too good for health.

    Weight loss & Vit :

    - Reduce amount of processed foods.

    - Have lots of veggies , room temp foods, lean daily product (soy milk , cottage cheese , skimmed milk , yogurt (avoid cold )

    - Amino Acids help in Vitiligo and High Protein Diet in Wt loss : Soy, Chickpeas , gram flour , Legumes , egg , grilled fish etc.

    - spice that help - ginger , cayenne pepper, garlic

    Do include Antioxidant and Omega-3 (Fish, Walnuts , Flax seeds ) in diet they help in Vitiligo and Well being.

    Also do some deep breathing exercises for good blood circulation and oxygenation.

    Good Luck!


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