Dark patches of skin surround my vitiligo

Hi, I have had vitiligo since puberty, I am now 60.  For the last 10 years or so I have noticed dark patches of skin surrounding my vitiligo.  This is happening in my thigh area and under my arms.  It was bad enough having two colours, I now have three.  I am fiar skinned and this really looks bad.  Does anyone else have this problem?

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  • I have the same problem on my arms and a little bit on my face. I want to even it out
  • I do!!!

    But it's on my face. I have what is called "the pregnancy mask" left over from my pregnancy 4 years ago. It is melasma (hyperpigmentation). My vitiligo on my face surrounds these areas of hyperpigmentation. So I have three colours as well. I have read that vuitiigo tends to attack areas of the skin that is hyperpigmented. In my case, it is very true.

    The treatments that I could do to try to help my melasma spots is actually laser treatments and I hesitate to do them because I do not want to trigger any new vitiligo.
    • Hi Chrissy, thank you for replying.  I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem, but am sorry that you have it too.  I have never been pregnant, but obviously I have hyperpigmentation as well, although I didn't get it until after my vitiligo appeared, it just seemed to have happend when the vitiligo spread.


      I  would not do laser treatments either becuase it would trigger more vitiligo.  It's a case of damned if I do and Damned if I don't.


      Anyway, I appreciate your reply.  Have a great afternoon.


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