Learning to deal with Vit.

I'm just barely learning how to deal with this thing called " Vitiligo".. It's not contagious ...thank god and it's not malignant or painful ....thank god but it is still a Skin Disease we have to learn to deal with..and I'm learning to deal with it to the point where I don't even cover up my vit anymore...it all depends..

It's a disease that I'm going to live with for the rest of my life so I'm going to have to learn to deal with it..LOL...... But I do have training as a Camouflage Therapist and we camouflaged clients appearance to make them look normal...so if anybody what's any suggestions on what to use......please let me know...  Catrina...

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  • I am light to medium skin tones...varying depending on if I do a Mystic Tan but I use the Natural in the Air Stocking and it works great on my hands.  I usually just spray a light mist and then I wait a couple of seconds and then wipe areas that got too much...especially around my wrists and knuckles.  Hope that helps! 

    • Thanks Hal...for your input...yes..everybody's story is helpful in one way or another....

  • I went to the Ulta store and the girl working there helped me pick out the colors for my hand. I also use Coastal Scents color corrects to take out the orangey color. It's hard to get the color perfect but when I do it's pretty seamless.

    • where can you buy the Coastal Scents color corrects?

      • I had to order them directly from their website. They are very inexpensive.

      • I thought I remembered someone saying they got theirs at TJ Maxx??  If memory serves me....hope that is helpful..

  • hi there, any help would be appreciated.  I've been newly diagnosed, it's mostly on my face (some on my neck and light on my elbows), and I've been experimenting with cover up make up all morning long.  Even with Dermablend, you can still see the newest spot that appeared yesterday on the left side of my face and nose (oh joy)...:(  thanks in advance!  This spot still looks "pinkish" and you can clearly see its outline.  I used the Dermablend on it, blended it outward to the edges, then put a lighter foundation all over my face to make it less noticable.  When I used my bathroom lighting (pretty bright) it looked fine.  However, when I looked in my bedroom mirror, (there is a small 60 watt lamp directly beneath my mirror), it still shows up.  Sigh....this is like a battle!!

    • I would apply your makeup with the mirror in your bedroom..if you can apply your make-up by your window...because that's the closest lighting your going to get besides actually being outside ... you probably need a shade darker of a foundation... or even a different color of dermablend...I would find an Ulta store by you and have the cosmetic person help you find the right shade..and she will show you how to apply it because it's not very easy to blend it  esp when you have Vitiligo....Let me know how it goes... 

      • good advice Catrina, thank you...it's always a challenge to cover these spots as they seem to "change" and "morph" with every day that passes at least in my experience...and I avoid the sun like it's a plague, to be real....even AFTER slathering on spf 45 when leaving my work and slapping on my sunglasses, which cover a good portion of my eye area, (I live right across the street from where I work, how sad is that?) but I have found that the sun is NOT my friend and makes the spots much much worse so I am avoiding it totally for now...I am terrified of the sun, yet before now loved it, so this is just a what????!!!!

  • Im an africian american teen and was just wondering how I could cover the vit on my lips...

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