
  • Desiree:

    There is no doubt that discussions of politics and freedom are important, but I agree with those who have indicated that this is not a discussion related to Vitiligo--which is the core mission of this website community.  I try not to run the website with any kind of a heavy hand, but I do think I need to encourage (and sometimes require) staying on topic on this site so that people who need help don't stop coming here for it.



    • Well said Steve.....
  • PEACE OUT THERE ALL:  I thank Allah for the blessings I have received throughout the year. One of my biggest blessings was meeting all of you.  I hope & pray the New Year brings us more courage & enlightenment to deal with the days ahead.  With that said:

          Let me begin by apologizing to anyone who was offended by my post on FDIC CHIPS. It was not posted to hurt or offend.  It was posted only as a warning. That's all. Some know and don't want to know. Some know but don't know how to talk about it, so they remain quiet. EVIL WILL PROSPER WHEN GOOD MEN DO NOTHING.

          Since finding out this information my Vitiligo just don't seem that important now. I still cover it up when I can, but it's not the most important thing in my life anymore, People are threateningj our freedom an-nd our life.  The first thing I'm going to do is tell everyone I love and that includes you guys. So don't hate the messenger. (smile)

          Question: If any of you knew something bad was going to happen to the whole world and we might be able to stop it: can you honestly say that you would say nothing to warn others. If you did that, what kind of human being would you be?

           Some of you may be a little uncomfortable with the subject, I understand that, it's a hard pill to swallow, but we gotta WAKE-UP!  Get informed - Check out Videos on Youtube - Check out the Stars who Serve them. We have vitiligo. We do not have debilitating disorders that keep us from using our minds. We can't camp out on life because of this disease, we are kings & queens with unfortunate skin disorders. NOTHINGS WRONG with our Minds.

            The day has come that we must all stand together. Our biggest problem with this disease is the way it looks. It's ugly, and people stare. But I will bet you that when we need people standing in numbers,  no one will care what color your skin is or how you look. Get informed and inform others. We must apply the 1st law of nature; 'Self-preservation' and be willing to fight for our life. What's the sense in fighting this disease if I'm going to die anyway. If the Elitist Powers (Illuminati) have their way aint none of us gonna need any more treatments. May Allah have mercy on us. happy 2012

  • Wth!!!!
  • @Desiree Washington

    Some people just aren't ready for the truth...sometimes you have to accept what is.  Can't save everyone.

    • Dear Marla, Sweety I aint trying to save anyone. I can't save myself, alone. I just want to be someone who was not afraid to inform others of the diabolical scheme that has been planned for over a hundred years by enemies of God to destroy mankind. This is no joke. They have camps set up all over America to take us to. In these camps they plan on killing us. They say we are eating up to much of irreplaceable resources from the earth, so their solution to this problem is to eliminate 90% of the worlds population. If that's not worth warning people about, then you tell me what is. They are staffing these camps as we speak.                                                                                                PEACE



    • How can you think that anything that threatens our life, is inappropriate? We are not dying of cancer & unable to deal with everyday life. We have Vitiligo. We still must maintain a level of awareness & inclusion into the workings & dealings of the world around us. So it is you who is ignorant. Let me be the first to teach you something. If you are a fool, it is better to remain silent than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. LESSON ONE - You are welcome.                                                                            PEACE

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