Anyone use tinted moisterizer for white spots on the face?

hello all, just wondering if anyone has tried this to "even" out the skin color more and what did you think of it? 

the worst white spots on my face are unfortunately, near and under my eyes, and I wanted to try something like this (something removable with soap and water as opposed to self tanner, which I have read can make this worse and is tricky to experiment with as it takes some time to fade), to look more "balanced" and normal, and not too too pale if that makes any sense.  Does anyone currently use this in place of or in addition to your normal makeup and please do share, I am constantly trying new things to make this look presentable out in public (I currently use MAC makeup most days, haven't found anything that covers better yet)....but am tired of looking so pale all the time, like a zombie girl!  Thanks in advance!


BTW, I do plan to order a tube of Protopic this week, as I found a canadian pharm. online that does NOT require a script (no health insurance right now and I cannot afford more derm. appts., they are killing my budget!).  This is sounding like it is very promising for repigmenting the face.  It is pricey but I figure a good investment if it can even possibly work! 

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  • Hey guys, I use bear minerals powder and it works great! The best I have used... It is a bit pricy though... It blends great as long as your skin is moisturized and not dried out
  • Hi..right now i am using JErgens NATURAL GLOW  moisturizer medium to tan on my white spot and its good caused its blending on my brown skin try that also maybe it will help on ur query...

    • I think I might try that because I think we have similar skin tones. Hopefully it will work for me too. Do you use makeup over the moisturizer? and will the skin continue to get darker the longer you use it?

      • for me sometimes i used make up when i am going out but the longer u used it it will get darker on your skin..its nice and there is also a lotion same brand..:D

        • just bought it. it might be kinda hard to apply it to just the white spots without getting it on the normal skin too. but we will, hope it works, thank you!

          •  ahh..but im sure it will help ur white spot..tnx

  • This may not be helpful, but since i cannot find foundations that cover up well on my above eyes/ and eye lids (i only have vit on the top though) Instead i just try to blend it in the best i can and use a lighter pale/white/light brown eye shadows. It sucks that we have to be pale, but its almost easier to be - if your skin is already light 

    Otherwise I have heard about 'micro skin' which i think lasts a few days, but have never tried it myself

    • thanks so much Jessica!  That is helpful, and yes I hate the paleness factor lol, but it IS easier than trying to darken up I think when you are already light to begin with.  I didn't have luck with tinted anything or self-tanners BEFORE vit!!  So that was why I was asking...and microskin is amazing, I wish I could afford it!  thank you again!

      • I avoid sunlight alot to try and keep pale, which is difficult in summer :( But it still makes me feel more confident staying lighter, i have started wearing gloves for driving so its not as noticeable on my hands. It helps me cope, so i say do whatever you need to do to! While we try different treatments its nice to feel good about yourself throughout the process! Good luck with finding the right thing for you, each individual is different :)  - have you tried Dermablend ?

        • sorry Jessica, almost missed the question about Dermablend, yes, I have tried, it, hate it, but I suspect it's because it seems next to impossible to find the right shade that doesn't look yellow on me!  Plus the stuff in the pot is very thick, and extremely hard to blend.  I do think the quickfix stick, though, looks very promising, as it comes in a tube, similar looking to a lipstick tube, that looks like it glides on pretty easily and is more "blendable" than the stuff that has the spatula (I don't like the creme, it just doesn't look right on me and is very difficult to blend in the areas I need it most (under and near my eyes, like about 1 inch below my eyes to the cheekbones)...Good Lord, it feels like I have tried just about EVERYTHING to get a decent looking coverage that covers everything, looks fairly natural, and is long-wearing.  By FAR, MAC liquid foundation and concealer has been the BEST at helping me to do this.  So far anyway, but I am always looking for better ways if there are any, to help with good coverage...

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