Anyone tried the homeopathic medicine Graphites?

Edit 3/19/14

I've learned more about homeopathy since joining this forum. It's not easy to find out what the "right way" to practice homeopathy is, since homeopaths have so many differing opinions, but here are the current conclusions I've come to:

- There is no difference in effectiveness for dry doses (pills) or liquid doses. They have the same effect. Choosing which to use depends on patient preference. The key is finding the right remedy for the individual.

- For chronic skin conditions, a daily dose of a remedy at a 6c potency is optimal. These daily doses gradually stimulate the vital force to heal the chronic issue.

- Since I'm using pills now, a single dose is 1 or 2 pills dissolved under the tongue.

- Once improvement is seen, or if symptoms worsen, the dose should be stopped, or lessened.

- If no improvement is seen in 2-3 months, it's not the correct remedy, and another should be used.

- Some remedies may have a higher chance of aggravations, such as Thuja. All remedies should be well researched before using.

- Remedy dose should be adjusted as needed. There is no set dosing standard. It depends on patient response. If the patient feels more sleepy or weak than usual, it may mean the vital force is being over stimulated, and doses should be stopped or lessened.

- An improvement in mood, overall energy, and sleep are signs the remedy is working,

- Combinations of complementary remedies may be more effective than single remedies. 

As always, anyone interested in using homeopathy should research it themselves or consult an experienced homeopath.

EDIT 5/21/2013

I've learned more about homeopathy since I started this discussion. As such, some of the info here may be wrong. This discussion contains all the latest info.



I'm new here, some people might recognize me from some time back on other sites. I had vitiligo, fully depigmented with monobenzone, and now my body is repigmenting, that is, restoring brown pigment in some places. So I'm trying to suppress the new pigment production and go back to a uniform white skin tone.

My question is, has anyone tried homeopathy, specifically Graphites? I'm taking a 200c dose once a day, three days a week.

I have a journal of sorts where I'm noting my experience of trying to restore all my skin to white.

Looking forward to meeting cool people and learning more about how to treat this condition, as well as benefiting others with my experience. :)

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  • Just an update, I've stopped using homeopathic liquid remedies completely, as I noticed white flecks floating around the bottles. Any water remedy, if not mixed with alcohol, has a limited shelf life. I'm switching back to using just pills, as it seems the most practical.

    Also, this discussion topic has become just a mix of random info, I'm going to close it and start a new one, (specifically on homeopathy for vitiligo) if thats ok.

  • hi omar, did you experience any bad side effects, from the use of monobenzone? do you feel better, now that you totally depigmented. i've consider doing it, but have some reservation.

    • Hello Maritza,

      Actually, the monobenzone didn't work permanently. A lot of pigment came back, that's why I'm trying homeopathy to get a uniform skin tone again.

      Monobenzone is also no longer having any effect, on my face it's causing more brown pigment to return, so I've stopped using it.

  • For anyone trying homeopathy in a liquid dose, don't use the rubber and glass top bottles! I noticed today that they gradually erode away (at least the ones I had) into the water, ruining the remedy. I've ordered some Euro Dropper bottles that are better suited for the shaking required before each dose, and thrown out the old type. Anyone else should do the same. Important to point out!

    Made a post about it:

    By the way, I've switched to a combination remedy, using 7 dissolved in spring water. (1 pill from each)

    Is anyone else trying homeopathy? I really think it's worth it.

    This article lists some remedies which are used for Vitiligo. Since I'm using them in combination, I only used those that compliment each other, which include Graphites, Silicea, Thuja, and Lycopodium.

    If anyone has any questions feel free to ask.

  • Switched again to Graphites in liquid dose. (Made with 8 30c pills dissolved in 4 oz of water) Read more about it and it seems like the best remedy for my overall symptoms.

    Has anyone else ever tried homeopathy? I came across some cases online in where it was used in India to treat vitiligo successfully. Has anyone here ever attempted to use it and what results did you get? Just curious...

  • Hi can you tell me the web side where you Finder moré información on the homeopathy. Thank you
  • I've switched again to Thuja in liquid form. Choosing the right remedy is difficult. Note that I'm trying to do the opposite of repigmentation. I'm trying to depigment, which is getting rid of the pigment that returned so I'll have a uniform white skin tone again. Thuja is stated as being able to treat brown spots, freckles and blotches, which is what I have, so it makes the most sense to use it opposed to remedies that treat general "chronic skin conditions".


    The source of zinc, hope this helps

    • thanks but vitiligo diet doesnt suit with height gaining diet

  • hey there

    .i just joined nd these day im also havin homeopethic treatment n i preferred that because my cousion's vit was repigmented as he was having homeopethic tretment ive just only started i8 the docter said in bout 8 mnths ill be fully re-pigmented

    • Hi Amina,

      Info about Graphites

      What homeopathic medicine are you using? Are you using only one remedy at a time? Are you taking it in a dry dose (pills) or liquid dose? (pills dissolved in water) I switched to liquid since many say its a better form of treatment.

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