Anyone here use Minocycline?

Hi all. I recently began taking minocycline for my vitiligo. There has been a small study showing that minocycline can help stop the spread of vitiligo.  I have a co-worker with vit who has been taking it for a few months and he believes that it is helping him to repigment and stop the spread. I asked my derm about mino, and he said that it wouldn't hurt to try it. So he wrote me a rx.  If I don't see any positive results within a couple of months, I'll quit and move on. 

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  • Very interesting that you brought up this topic ...Minocycline is antibiotic ..I think there has been some research saying it can stop and help vitiligo, since you say it helped some one you know is right that you tried it but ask your doctor or the person who has tried it for how long you should take it before you stop using it . may be you should continue one month more.

    I have heard about it but I haven`t tried it …look forward to hear what the other say.

    Good luck!        


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