Alternative to Microskin for wedding

Hi everybody! I haven't posted here in a long time as I have been incredibly busy. I started to stop covering my Vitiligo. It was too much work and I hated how much I was focusing on it. However, I am getting married July 6th and I would like to cover my Vit that day. I know that it is a part of me, but I don't want people looking at my Vitiligo that day. I've been searching all over for an airbrush makeup artist in my area with no results. I'd get Microskin, but I'd have to go to New York and probably pay a small fortune. I want something that won't wear off on my dress. I've used Dermablend before but it's a pain in the butt to mix it just right with the pigment corrector and I felt it wore off on my clothes. Any suggestions would be awesome. Thank you!

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  • After searching forever I found someone who did professional airbrushing. She had never met anyone with Vitiligo before, but she did an amazing job. It was expensive but it was worth it. I just wanted to feel the best for my wedding day and I'm so glad I made that choice.

    My makeup artist used Temptu makeup.


  • Revlons color stay
  • First of all many many many many millions times congratulations to be having married with a lover or some one who will take care of you. that is awesome, i would love to say Thanks to your future Husband, He must be a hero. and kind guy.. you are an angel type beautiful lady so you deserve to have a handsome young man. best of luck for your future, but i would suggest if you not use the make up that day, would be so original. yes if you can find some one to cover your face that would be fine, but i would suggest to see your real face. anyways. have fun and keep smiling and God Bless. 

  • Hey I understand it is not easy to get correct makeup,even microskin is not as they claim ...yes they produce simmilar color but our skin tone chenges in some surcumstance , Microskin olso fade away on oily skin or when you sweet.

    The best opption is selftanner St.Tropez or Permatan ...It doesn`t fade away for a couple of days if the color don`t match you can touch it by make up ...try it before ur weeding day.

    Don`t worry it will be fine.




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