
many people in here are taking the whole vitiligo thing so seriously, lots of medicines,vitamins,doctors...and all those kinda stuff,i never cared about it,and it had stopped spreading many years ago,its just a color for god's sake!!

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  •  I think stress has a little do with it.. I have never tried meds or worried about it all that much and mine stopped spreading also. Not to say it wont start up again. But it has been about 5 years ago since anything has gotten worse, if anything it has gotten better :)

  • I feel its just his way of coping. Everyone is dealing with it how they can. Granted its his opinion, and i feel he has a right to express himself. He has it like we all have it....shouldn't be upset with him, its natural for us to want a cure but its not right to keep harping on him.
  • I am offended by your post.  The reason most people come on here is for support, not to hear someone say "buck up and accept it".  I am sure if there was a cure you would be first in line to get treatment...we all would.  Otherwise, why are you on a Vitiligo support website?  If you are so carefree about it then why be here?  And bashing America is not the way to offer support to anyone.  I am so lucky I live in America where doctors are readily available and want to help me.  I have been offered premium care and treatment for my Vitiligo by an amazing dermatologist...I doubt this is possible in most other countries.  

    • I apologise erica if i came across as arrogant and short in my post - i completely understand the moods of people on this forum i really do. I have found it so hard this past 2 yrs especially too keep my moral up and am really paranoid in a crowd or even with mates - i think the holiday got me thinking thats all !! anyways apologies if i came across bad

      • Gareth - my response was NOT targeted at you.  It was meant to be in response to the original poster Abdel El.  His comments show immaturity and are not helpful to this community.  I agree that we should try to be proud of who we are even though we have Vitiligo but in reality that is VERY difficult.  We are different from others and no matter how much we tell ourselves to "accept" it, this is not realistic.  All of us want a cure so we can feel "normal".  My intention for joining this community is to help others with treatment options...not to tell them "Hey, who cares?  Suck it up!"  

        So if you want to talk about how we can share treatment options for Vitiligo then I think this is the right place!  But if we want to belittle others for having human emotions then it might be best to find another forum, there are millions of them!  

        • ha sorry ive just paid attention to the first post now ! i would love to not think about it !! but then theres mirrors and other people lol

  • It's serious to me. It's caused me to stay away from people and not form any relationships. I have had a divorce because of it. I have depression and social anxiety because of it. It's not just the skin it goes deeper than that. It roots itself deep in the mind and can ultimately control your life in some aspects.

    • I completely agree ive had vit since 2007 and before was ia really social person , these past few years i have been a shell of my former self - only recently have i just thought f@@k it i cant do anything about it just stick too a healthy diet and stop feeling sorry for myself , which i think is half the problem . Anyway im just xome back from a relaxing hol and am determined to keep a positive outlook on things and pray for a cure !!
    • me too Armstreet10, me too...I used to be and feel so "pretty" and was told often that I was a very attractive, desired woman...not so much these days.  it's hard to go out ANYWHERE without someone randomly staring at me, even when I am wearing makeup (makeup is, afterall, just a temporary thing it wears off)....it's hard but I know that this is now part of me, no matter what, and there is nothing I can do to change it permanently...but it was exactly the rapid and extreme change to my looks (my vit is on my face, right near and under my eyes and looks especially horrible on the left side), it's devastating and nearly impossible to accept as the "new me" when the old me was so confident, devil may care, sheepish and playful.  I am not like that person anymore, not at all..I shy away from people even though I want to be close to someone, I am so self-conscious that I cannot be, or won't subject myself to rejection by this, it's not worth the risk to me.  It can be a very lonely place at times, that is precisely why I am so grateful to have this site and its wonderful members to turn to, as it's a daily struggle. 

      • I appreciate your post, and I know what your going thru, I also have it on my face , but being a man i can maske it some with a beard, but the hair that covers it is snow white, I have it on the top of my head as well, and that hair is white as well, my hands are at this point the thing that concerns me more, the top of my right is almost all white and I have a tan and omg,  the spots really show up. there is alot of mind games I play with myself and at first I tell myself, aww don't think about it no one will notice, uh huh.. i have been ask many times if I had gotten burnt because of these white blotches. so yea I can relate to you and what your dealing with, and I also am very glad I found this site, although small, it does seem to help get the day's anguish off my chest..

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