

March 14



Bangalore India

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  • hi

  • aroma-pure.com

    Rakesh, I have lost the pigment that I gained. I don't know why. Maybe you'll have better luck...xxxooo!
  • Hi Rakesh,
    As far as I know, there are no side effects to Novitil. I used it with some benefit and all that I learned from David at Dermabest was very helpful. I think their website has a lot of great info.

    I hope it's going great. What is Elijah's remedy? Best, V.
  • Rakesh, I definitely am sticking to the plan. I am making myself. Remember Ellijah's remedy? I couldn't stay with that. The taste was horrible! What a way to start the day...yuck! Do you ever hear from him?
  • Hi Rakesh, sorry to say, but no other progress. I don't understand how this works. There are times when my vitiligo gets better and then stops. It's very weird. I am appreciative of the little I have seen though. If I have had more improvement you are the first to know...I will keep faithful.
  • Hi Rakesh, thanks for the add. My spots are all reddish now. and have begun to fill in on my hands, which is odd, but I'll take it! On the corner of my lip, I don't see any improvement. This vitiligo thing is very touchy for me. There are times when the process begins to work (like a few years back) and then stops and now it has started again...I'm not sure why...I have made it my business to concentrate on a variety of healthy things as I told you before with the acupuncture, herbs, exercise and breathing. The excercise cleanses the lymph has well as the breathing exercises...so we will the progress. thanks for checking in...
  • Hi Rakesh, remember me from the V site? How is your wife? You wrote me lots of times. How is Elijah? Have you heard from him lately? I will try to find your email address so you will know who I am...Talk to you!
  • Rakesh,
    The sun is only part of the solution. There are internal factors that must be stopped, which are addressed in Dr. Young's comments back to me on his blog (is that where you read my post?). The external must then be addressed to cause the skin to repigment. Forcing repigmentation on the outside w/o stopping the internal cause is not the answer, but it I did both at the same time as I learned how I was contributing to the dis-ease.

    I don't see any reason why you couldn't get the products on the internet. One is from Canada and one from the U.S. Of course, one of the products I mentioned, with caution, was the anti-vitiligo oil which I believe is out of Pakistan.

    Still, if your wife is currently depigmenting, those dietary/lifestyle changes are really important.
  • Rakesh,
    That's great. I do think it can truly help. I also think time in the sun using Dermabest or Melansol (this product is new to me, but I think it has potential) can help. Reading other success stories on Dr. Young's blog and watching his you tube videos can help get you acquainted w/ his theories.
    Best wishes.
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