



Princeton, NJ


March 8


Brooklyn, NY

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  • nice to meet you here is my contact ( monicawilson4god@hotmail.com ) write me i will tell you more about me

  • We talked about it and now World Vitiligo Day RALLY 2016 in Washington DC is building in excitement! This was simply a topic that we briefly discussed at our conference this year and everyone is inquiring about the possibilities and with excitment.
    We really want for this to be a gathering of inclusion as we aim to mobilize ALL vitiligo support groups that we can reach out to. We want to bring Education and Awareness and Understanding to our condition once and for all.
    We've never done this before, we do NOT have all the answers, but it is something that we desire to do, and really feel that everyone can BENEFIT from this coming together as a UNIFIED Vitiligo community.
    We do NOT want to leave anyone out of what can be an amazing time on the steps of the capitol, so permits and others things are being investigate now. Please let us know of your willingness to participate, your interest, your concerns and how you can help.
  • Hello
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