



Bellevue, NE


February 23

About Me:

my son is 6 years old and developed vitiligo at the age of 3 but was not diagnosed until a year ago. i made this profile for him...anyone have any suggestions or advice for him

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  • nice to meet you here is my contact ( monicawilson4god@hotmail.com ) write me i will tell you more about me

  • Hi Elijah....You look like a very sweet brave boy. Thank you for sharing your experience with me and my daughter Ella. She was very happy to see who you are and how far away you live from us and still have the same spots as her. Keep in touch and let us know how your latest treatment is working.
  • Hi Elijah and mom
    My name is Dorthe and I am from Denmark. My son is 6 years old and he has vitiligo like you Elijah... I am also searching for advices and suggestions like your mom.
    Have a nice day!
    Best regards
  • She is so smart & on the right path!
  • Hi! My daughter Cel is 8 years old and has vitiligo since she was 2. We just started her on the phototherapy on her spots this past week, we'll take pics and post so you can see her progress. She has been on a topical steroid for a year and we saw some repigment on her spots that her dermatologist recommended. It's taken several dermatologist that are interested in her, what I mean is it's hard to find one that will want to help and not just say "Yup, it's vitiligo" and that's it, we had 2 do that but now we have one who cares and willing to help her. She is outgoing but we noticed this past year she will not wear shorts and only jeans, her vitiligo is on one of her legs so we decided to take action & help her, I know I cannot always protect her but I can help her. Peace and love!! Also, my 3 month old has a spot too so he is on a light steroid cream. Hope this helps! Also, does it run in your family? My husbands side of the family has it and we went to a family reunion and we saw a distant relative with it, so we know it's genetics and have thyroid disease which is a autoimmune disease, just like vitiligo. I do not know if this has anything with my kids inheriting vitiligo. K, bye!
  • I got vitiligo when I was 3. I just turned 10 and now its pretty much everywhere. But everyone who really loves me say they don't even notice. I was sadder when I was your son's age now I sort of just get on with life. My mum is really cool and taught me lots of good things. She reminded me of how many much worse things could happen... there are kids with cancer, kids who live with war, kids who are blind or deaf... vitiligo is a pain but it doesn't stop me living and dancing and singing and performing ... things I love.
    Forget all the treatments and the creams and steroids. Kids hate that stuff. Most of it doesn't work anyway and its not good for us.
    these are some of the good things my mum taught me when I was 6.....
    Tell him that he is super cool because everyone else only has one colour... and he has two!! Then explain that when kids tease him (cos they will sometimes) that its because they are jealous he has two colours instead of one!
    Never tell him that you understand because you don't.
    Kids who really are his friends won;t even notice his vitiligo.
    My mum always says This is us. This is who we are. Lets own it and love it and live our lives without restriction. I try and I think I get better at doing that everyday.
    Hope this helps even though I am only 10!!
    Bye.. Lulu
  • Hi there, my daughter is 5 and over the course of a year her vitiligo has covered %50 of her body. It's very frustrating that there is very little I can do for her because of her age. What have you tried for your son? I live in Canada and there is very little research being done here. I can totally identify what your going through and would love to talk to you some more.
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